Car registration cost in France – How to estimate the price in 2025

Logo Eplaque

- 6 min de lecture ⏳

Le - Mis à jour le 28/02/2025

Various taxes apply to the registration of a vehicle in France in the SIV system. In fact, there are 5 types of car registration taxes, the total of which is equivalent to the price to pay to obtain your registration certificate. Moreover, extra fees apply to imported vehicles. In this article we would go through every car registration cost in France, so you avoid any bad surprise.

Importing a car: the costs

If you import a car from outside the EU, which includes the United Kingdom since Brexit, you will have to pay import duties and VAT on any car, even if used. Import duties are 10% on the value of the car, VAT 20%. Please note that if you move to France (permanent residency) with your own car, you won’t have to pay those.

If the vehicle doesn’t have a European certificate of conformity, you will have to go through an individual vehicle approval procedure. In France, it is called “réception à titre isolé”. It is performed at the DREAL or DRIRE. RTI costs may vary. In certain instances, the DREAL might request extra tests performed by the UTAC. If the vehicle doesn’t fulfill the European standards, some parts might have to be modified. In the most complicated cases, it means the IVH procedure can cost several thousands euros. That’s why you have to be careful before importing a car in France without an e-COC.

If the document has been lost, a new certificate has to be requested to the manufacturer.

Criteria to take into account when calculating SIV registration fees

Now let’s assume you want to buy a car in France, without the importation hassles. How to evaluate car registration cost in France? On what should you focus to limit those fees? Here are various criteria to consider. To save time, you can calculate accurately your car registration cost in France with this official online calculator (in French).

Type of vehicle (car, motorcycle, trailer, etc.)

The type of vehicle can be identified by checking the field J.1 on the registration certificate. The price of the vehicle registration depends largely on the type of vehicle. Here are the differences observed:

  • A trailer pays one and a half of the unit price of a tax horse imposed by the region
  • A moped is not subject to any registration tax
  • The price of a motorcycle’s tax horsepower is halved since it is not a car. This is the quarter you have to pay if it is over 10 years old
  • Commercial cars as well as agricultural machinery pay the Y2 tax, unlike passenger cars

Tax horsepower

Also called “fiscal power” (puissance fiscale), taxable horsepower is mentioned in field P.6 of the registration document. The more powerful your vehicle, the higher the cost of this tax, called Y1 or regional tax.

Age of the vehicle

If your car is more than 10 years old, you only pay half the unit price of the fiscal horsepower. This discount is not granted anymore for old motorcycles since 2021.

Is the car new or used?

New cars, or imported cars, are subject to emissions tax and weight surcharge tax (see below). Used cars bought in France are exempted, which is good to know.

Carbon dioxide emissions per kilometer: “malus écologique”

In order to encourage the population to purchase clean vehicles, the French state penalizes polluting cars and rewards those called clean. The CO2 tax (malus écologique), based on the rate of carbon dioxide emissions per kilometer, applies only to new vehicles. On the other hand, a bonus is awarded to future owners of new green cars, in addition to a partial or total exemption from the regional tax. The more your vehicle pollutes, the higher the total amount of your registration certificate. Here are the prices:

Emissions (g/km)CO2 Tax 2024 (€)CO2 Tax 2025 (€)
≥ 1946000070000

Weight surcharge (malus au poids)

Since 2022, new cars or imported cars weighting more than 1,800 kg must pay some kind of weight surcharge. Its price is €10 per kilo above 1,8 ton. This surcharge is added to the price of the malus écologique (Y3), and share its ceiling amount of €70,000. In other words, if your car is already subject to the maximum emissions tax (226 gr of CO2 emissions or more), it won’t pay a weight surcharge.

Fuel type (clean vehicle or « said to be clean vehicle »)

In France, cleans car can belong to 2 categories:

  • Clean car : 100% electric or hydrogen
  • « Said to be clean cars »: hybrid, ethanol (E85), LPG

Clean cars don’t pay the regional tax nationwide. The others (« said to be clean ») might not pay, it depends on regional policy. Some offers a 100% discount, others 50% or 0%. You will find the discount rate in the table below.

The region where the car owner lives

Where you live also has an impact on the price of your car or motorcycle registration. In fact, each region has its own pricing for fiscal horsepower. The price of the latter varies between €30 and €60. The regional tax price is calculated by multiplying this fiscal horsepower price with the fiscal power of the vehicle (in field U1 on the carte grise). As said above, there are exemptions for clean cars.

RegionCV price 2025Discount « clean vehicle » 2025
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes43.00 €0%
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté55.00 €0%
Bretagne60.00 €0%
Centre-Val de Loire60.00 €0%
Corse43.00 €0%
Grand Est60.00 €0%
Hauts-de-France42.00 €0%
Île-de-France54.95 €0%
Normandie60.00 €0%
Nouvelle-Aquitaine53.00 €0%
Occitanie54.50 €0%
PACA59.00 €0%
Pays-de-la-Loire51.00 €0%
Guadeloupe41.00 €0%
Guyane42.50 €0%
La Réunion57.00 €0%
Martinique30.00 €0%
Mayotte30.00 €0%

How to request a registration certificate

If you decide to carry out all the procedures for registering your vehicle yourself, you will only have to pay the cost of the vehicle registration document. On the other hand, if you use an approved service provider to request your registration certificate, you must pay service fees related to the services offered by the authorized company.

Since 2017, the ANTS website is the official car registration gateway. Car owners can also choose to deal with an authorized car registration company, such as Eplaque. While the ANTS procedures are in French only, we can assist you with almost any type of request, in English. It’s fast, online, hassle free, with support and help in English:

What are the SIV registration taxes?

There are 5 types of taxes when registering a car in France:

  • Y1 or the regional registration tax: this is the number of fiscal horses of the vehicle multiplied by the unit price of a CV of the region where the owner of the car lives
  • Y2 or vocational training in transport: imposed only on commercial vehicles. It is calculated according to the weight of the car
  • Y3 or the tax on polluting cars: this tax is payable if you buy a NEW car. The amount depends on the rate of CO2 emitted per kilometer
  • Y4 or the management tax: this fixed tax (€11) is intended, as its name suggests, to establish the registration certificate, that is to say its printing by the Imprimerie Nationale
  • Y5 or the charge for the delivery of the vehicle registration document: this is the cost of shipping the registration document to the home of its owner (always €2,76)

The total of these 5 taxes is Y6. It is the latter that you will have to pay to obtain the registration card (carte grise) for your vehicle.

Car registration: France tax calculator

As you can see, calculating car registration fees is pretty complex, error prone and time consuming. That’s why using a French tax calculator to simulate the cost or a car registration is highly recommended. You can use our tool (basic translation by Google Translate) to do so. You simply have to fill in the various forms, and the final price of your carte grise will appear, as accurate as the info provided. It includes everything related to car registration taxes. If your vehicle is subject to import duties, homologation fees, VAT and other items not directly related to the registration, they will have to be paid on top of those costs.

Examples of car registration costs in France in 2025:

Let’s say you want to register a second hand 2016 Audi A1 (1.0 petrol engine, fiscal power 5 CV) and that you live in South of France (PACA region).

  • Y1: 5CV x € 59 = €294
  • Y2: 0 (N/A)
  • Y3: 0 (N/A)
  • Y4 : €11 (fixed amount)
  • Y5 : €2.76 (fixed amount)

Total: €270,76

Now let’s say you buy a brand new Citroen that emits 130 gr of CO2 per km, fiscal power 6 CV, and you still live in PACA region:

  • Y1: 6CV x € 59 = €294
  • Y2: 0 (N/A)
  • Y3: €540
  • Y4 : €11 (fixed amount)
  • Y5 : €2.76 (fixed amount)

Total : €847.76

Une question ?

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Les questions des utilisateurs

  • Kerry ISLES

    18 mars 2025

    J'importe une Mercedes SLK 2005 du Royaume-Uni. J'ai payé les droits d'importation et j'ai un CT. ANTS m'a dit que je devais présenter la voiture à la DREAL car le COC a été délivré après le BREXIT. Cependant, le COC que j'ai est le certificat original qui accompagnait la voiture lorsqu'elle était neuve en 2005. Je le sais car il s'agit de la voiture de mon père, qui l'a achetée neuve. Puis-je demander à l'ANTS de revoir cette décision ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 mars 2025

      COC ou pas, une voiture en provenance de la Grande-Bretagne doit toujours avoir une RTI. C'était déjà le cas avant le Brexit en raison de l'orientation des optiques et du compteur kilométrique en miles.
  • Malcolm Caird

    3 mars 2025

    Comment Les autorites francaises d ‘immatriculation calculatent la ‘valeur’ d’une voiture importee du Royaume-Uni a des fins fiscales? S’agit-il du prix pâye ou d’une formulae utilised? Merci
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 mars 2025

      If you have an invoice, they'll use the amount mentioned, unless they believe it's undervalued. In that case, of if you are already the owner of the car, they'll use car valuation resources.
  • Martin

    3 mars 2025

    Hi, I'm looking to import a 2007 Porsche 997 GT3 RS bought in the UK to the Haute Savoie. It's a 3.6 litre engine, fiscal power of 6 CV, 415 ch (309kw), 312g/km CO2. Purchase price was GBP 78k, however it has appreciated in value to approximately GBP 130k. I'm thinking it will be void of CV tax due to age but would be liable for full 10% import and 20% VAT? I'm not sure if these would be on the purchase price or the current value of the car though? Thanks for any advice.
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 mars 2025

      You won't pay CO2 tax as the car is older than 15 years (used to be 10, rules changed March 1st, 2025). Unfortunately you'll have to pay the 30%. You can try to provide customs with the invoice, but if they feel that the car is undervalued, they will consult valuation resources to set a price that they consider fair.
  • Nick Lousberg

    2 mars 2025

    Dear Sir Madam, I'm planning to move to Cannes and take my current Belgian car with me. What are the costs to register the car in France? I have a maserati levante 3.0 diesel 202 kW, 2250kg.
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 mars 2025

      To assess them, we need to know the date and month of first registration, and the CO2 emissions.
  • Paul

    26 février 2025

    Hello, can you please help? I'm trying to work out how much it would cost to take my van to France. I plan to move there this June 2025 with a long stay visa VLS-TS. The van is a 2002 VWT4 Transporter 2.5tdi 88bhp (65kW). I've read that the CO2 emissions for this model are 166 g/km. I think this might equate to "5 CV" (chevaux fiscaux) - though not sure. The area I'd be moving to is Toulouse (Occitanie) = I think the CV price of 54.50 €. But I could be wrong about all of this. Unfortunately, the VWT4 is classed as "light commercial vehicle" (N1). So, I understand I will have to pay 32% import tax (?£2,000 to £2,500) of its UK sell value of around £6,000. I think it's possibly about the same as in France. I understand there is a "Regional Y1 tax", "SIV Registration Tax", "A First Registration Fee", "Emissions malus" (at 166g/km I've read that this could be a fee of £6,126!), "A weight malus" that I think I might be except from, because I've read that the van weighs 1.61 tonnes. And then I understand that I will need to get a COC, Insurance, and a CT (? changing of head lights and possibly other work). At the time of leaving the UK the van will have a nearly full year of UK MOT, tax and insurance. (All invalid I understand once I have the visa in my passport). There might be other things that I have to do and pay for, but I don't know. Could you possibly give me a ball park figure of how much it would cost to get it to get it insured, taxed and registered for France? Any advice or information would be very gratefully received! Many thanks in advance! Paul
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 février 2025

      According to, the fiscal power of this van is 10 CV. EUR 54,5 per CV is accurate, however you'll pay 50% of that since the vehicle is older than 10 years. Due to N1 you'll have to pay 30% tax indeed. No CO2 as it's N1, and even if it was a car there is nothing to pay when > 10 years. Roughly registration will cost EUR 290, around 2k for customs assuming the vehicle is worth 6k, maybe 300 for conformity, 70-80 for MOT. Insurance I couldn't tell, sorry.
  • Malcolm Stuart Caird

    23 février 2025

    Not actually a question but a thank you! reading through the other questions/answers you have responded so effectively that I now have the answers to my many questions about importing car into France. Great job - thanks!
    • Logo Eplaque


      24 février 2025

      Thank you, we're glad it helped!
  • Christopher John and

    18 février 2025

    Moto guzzi v100 ,2023 from UK Co2 109, power 85.7 KW Moving to 87470 Reckon cost is 306 euros ,correct
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 février 2025

      We found online a fiscal power of 10 CV for this bike. In Nouvelle Aquitaine it will cost more like EUR 280: (10 x 53/2) + 13.76.
  • John Reign

    13 février 2025

    Hi I am moving to the Bordeaux region and have a land rover Discovery 4 year 2011. It is a category N1 (commercial) although it has 7 seats. Are the registration taxes onerous and will I be able to use it privately in France?
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 février 2025

      It's more than 10 years old, therefore there won't be a costly CO2 tax, even if it's considered as a passengers vehicle. In the very worst case (most powerful Discovery 4 and most expensive region), the registration itself (without approval costs and VAT duties) would be around EUR 600.
  • Patricia Roberts

    6 février 2025

    I have a Nissan Qashqai 2015 CO2 emissions 103 Engine 1461 Power 81kw.Ive been trying to work out how much for registration please as getting silly amounts so I must be putting down something incorrectly. I had a 10 yr cds but went to uk for a year to live so assuming ill be paying 32% tax.Im wondering how much please and if I come to France aug this year when it was first registered how much the difference would be ? Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 février 2025

      This car has a fiscal power of 5 CV according to what we found, sounds consistent with its low power. Therefore the registration would be EUR 313.76 max assuming you live in the most expensive region, or even EUR 163.76 if you register it after the day of its first registration (> 10 years). There is no CO2 tax given the low emissions and the age of the car. If you import it you'll pay 30% duties and VAT on its market value unless you recently moved to France and declared the car.
  • Dene Walker

    2 février 2025

    Hi, I am moving on March 3rd in VLS-TS inactive visa. I want to bring my 2013 Landrover discovery with me. It weighs 2500kg and is 255 break horsepower. I am moving to 16 dept. Using your excellent article I have worked it out at costing over 10,000 euros. I have owned the car 9 years and have a european CofC. Could you clarify what cost you think it would be please
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 février 2025

      It will cost you much less, because although there is a CO2 tax on second hand imported cars, as of 10 years of age there is a full exemption. This car has probably a fiscal power around 17 CV, therefore registration taxes should cost 530 EUR at most (price in the most expensive regions).
  • Gene

    1 février 2025

    I bought an appartment in France , and I want to import a Mercedes SL 63 AMG to France , the car is from 2010 . The car will be driven cote d 'azur . How much tax i have to pay ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 février 2025

      What's the origin country? Will you buy the car, or it's already yours?
  • Mads

    19 janvier 2025

    Hi, I have a little Suzuki Jimny from Oct 2019 that I like to bring to France from Germany. So it’s a little over 5 years old. Can you help me do that and what is the costs - both for your service and for tax etc to France? Cheers
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 janvier 2025

      Our fee is 68,9 EUR. About the taxes, we need info such as the engine power, your region, and mostly the CO2 emission in order to calculate them.
  • Robin

    5 décembre 2024

    Follow on from previous post - In English.. Im looking to buy a VW Caravelle from Luxembourg (registered in Luxembourg but buying from a German garage) The Malus Ecologique comes in at 19,000E for a van that is 29000HT. I heard that of you are a registered business SARL then you are exempt from this? Do you have any info to support this? Thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 décembre 2024

      That's not accurate. CO2 tax is applicable to individuals and companies. Vehicle characteristics are what matters.
  • Robin

    5 décembre 2024

    Si J'achète une véhicule en Allemagne et je suis un SARL est ce qu'ilya un exemption sur le Malus Ecologique?
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 décembre 2024

      Non, les règles s'appliquent aux particuliers et professionnels de la même façon, sur base du profil technique du véhicule.
  • Pando

    30 novembre 2024

    Bonjour, J'aimerais acheter une voiture au Royaume-Uni. Je suis anglais mais je réside en permanence en France. Je constate que je dois payer 10 % de la valeur du véhicule plus 20 % de TVA. Si la voiture que j'achète au Royaume-Uni coûte 4 000 livres, est-ce que cela correspond à 400 livres converties en euros ou à la valeur du véhicule en France?
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 décembre 2024

      Si vous avez une facture, les douanes calculeront les frais sur base de celle-ci, sauf si elles pensent que le montant est sous-évalué. Dans ce cas elles peuvent utiliser un outil d'estimation. Ce devrait donc être 1200 pounds convertis en euro.
  • Florian Dittrich

    19 novembre 2024

    Hello, we are moving as a family from Austria to France /Haute Vienne in 2025, I would like to know what it will cost to bring my private car to France. The information about this is not clear and ranges from €341 to €7,859. In a way the CO2 tax surprises me as I already had to pay a significant CO2 tax when I bought the car in Austria … Also I don’t understand the rational why the CO2 tax does not apply to cars older than 10 years..? Our family car is a Volkswagen T6.1 Multivan 7 seats First registration 21.1.2021 81KW / 110 HP CO2/km 194 M1 car identification Puissance fiscal 8 Diesel We have 3 children. There seems to be a reduction available if you have minimum 3 kids. From the comments here I read that it is correct that the co2 import costs for cars older than 10 years are zero as CO2 tax does not apply for cars older than 10 yrs. If the CO2 tax really applies in the upper range it might be more reasonable to sell the family car in Austria and buy a new/used one in France, which would be a tragedy. From my research Import Tax/Vat is not due in our case, correct? Do you know if exemptions apply for famers as we will be officially a farm business. Finally have you got experience with importing tractors from the EU to France ? Best regards Florian Dittrich
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 novembre 2024

      In France, the CO2 tax is applicable to "first registrations" only. In case of import, a second hand car is a "first registration" too, but since it would not be fair to tax the full price since the car is not new, they decided that for each year of age, a 10% discount would apply. It means that after 10 years, there is nothing to pay since the discount reaches 100% or more. In your case, the registration would cost around EUR 7,250, or around 6,650 if the car is registered after the 21th of January. However, if you have 3 kids you can get most of it back (6500 or 5900). Unfortunately you have to file a request for that, they don't deduct the discount during registration. You won't have to pay VAT or duties. We deal with the registration of any vehicle, no problem.
    • Florian Dittrich

      20 novembre 2024

      Thank you for the response. How long does it usually take to get the CO2refund for three kids? Are you sure that the amount of the refund - 6500 or 5900 - is correct? We will also need a separate car for my wife in France. We might import a used one to France from Austria or Germany. Regarding potential registration costs, is it possible to get the „three kids refund“ also for a used car for my wife? Of course if we import a car that is older than 10 years we can use the full 100% discount - so we might stick to that ;). Regarding VAT - what is the regime there with importing used cars to France from Germany or Austria? Is it correct that VAT does not apply if the car was previously registered in our name for more than 6 months? What is the VAT situation of the car es not previously registered in our name ? Anything else to think of in that situation? Best regards Florian
      • Logo Eplaque


        20 novembre 2024

        The official document ( states that it is paid by bank transfer within 30 days. Yes it would be the refund, you get a 20 g deduction per kid, so you would pay based on 13x gr instead of 19x gr, hence the huge difference. You can only use it for one car. About VAT, there is no VAT on second hand car within the EU, whether it's yours or you buy it. A car that is older than 6 months and has more than 6,000 km is considered as second hand and is not subject to VAT. There is just 1 thing to bear in mind: we are at the end of the year, and they like to change the tax rules. We didn't hear of plans to scrap that big family CO2 tax discount, but we never know everything in advance.
  • Roman

    24 octobre 2024

    Hello. Our car is from 2006 with a very high CO2 output that would . Does that mean the Eco taxes don't apply? We already live in France for more then 12 months. Does that mean we are required to pay the import fees and VAT? Does your service help with import procedures too?
    • Logo Eplaque


      25 octobre 2024

      1) Yes, cars older than 10 years of age won't pay any surcharge, irrespective of the emissions. 2) Yes. 3) No.
  • Michelle Roebrts

    20 octobre 2024

    I have a 2014 BMW 520 D Se 4 door diesel which we would like to bring to France from the uk when we move over permanently. I am having trouble finding out the fiscal power to calculate how much it will cost us to register it and if it is worth it. 1995 cc 119 g/km CO2 Euro6 Many Thanks for any assistance
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 octobre 2024

      The formula is the following for cars < 2020 : (CO2/45) + (kW/40) power 1.6 Assuming the engine power is 100 kW, the fiscal power would be 8.
  • Daniel Rudge

    15 octobre 2024

    Hi, I have just brought a car in the UK . Audi A6 year 2011 and want to bring it to France and register and insure it here. I have the carte de sejour . I will be travellingback and forth to the UK for a few months and trying to get insurance in the UK is a nightmare because I am not a resident due to Brexit I think. I also have a French licence how long does the process take ? Many thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 octobre 2024

      You can get very quickly a temporary registration (WW), valid 4 months. It's more than enough to get the standard registration (6-8 weeks).
  • Andrew Wright

    10 octobre 2024

    J'ai une Toyota hilux 2014 actuellement immatriculée en anglais que je veux importer en France - nous vivons dans les Hautes Alpes, elle fait 150 chevaux et les émissions sont de 185, combien cela coûterait-il de réenregistrer ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 octobre 2024

      Vous ne paierez pas de taxe CO2 vu que le véhicule a plus de 10 ans. Sans la puissance fiscale nous ne pouvons pas calculer le prix exact de la carte grise, mais il sera raisonnable vu que vous bénéficierez du tarif à moitié prix (+ de 10 ans). Les frais principaux découleront du dédouanement du véhicule (30 % sur sa valeur de marché) et l'homologation individuelle, à faire à la DREAL.
    • Andrew wrigy

      20 octobre 2024

      Willie need individual approval if I get the certificate of conformity?
      • Logo Eplaque


        21 octobre 2024

        Yes, for UK cars it's always required, because they have to check things like odometer conversion to km, headlights orientation...
    • Andrew Wright

      20 octobre 2024

      Also is the weight surcharge base on the kerb weight of the vehicle or the total weight including max payload?
      • Logo Eplaque


        21 octobre 2024

        It's based on the "masse en ordre de marche" (G on the logbook), which means the kerb weight of the car + a driver (75 kg is used as theoretical weight).
    • Andrew Wright

      21 octobre 2024

      And this weight charge is still made on importing from uk even if the vehicle is more than 10 years old ?
      • Logo Eplaque


        22 octobre 2024

        The weight charge was introduced in 2022. Therefore it doesn't apply to older cars.
  • Crispin Reeves

    4 octobre 2024

    I have a VLS-TS visa now activated and will be moving my personal possessions on 23/10/24. I have included my 2023 Honda CT125 motorcycle (125cc) on my itinerary for the Douane which I imported to the UK from Thailand in 2023. There is no European CoC available for this particular type of motorcycle as Honda have never sold it within the European Union. What is the process for registering the vehicle in France upon my arrival please?
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 octobre 2024

      Without an e-COC you must get an individual approval. Before that, you'll have to check with Honda if the car checks all the boxes re conformity, eventually make some changes, and get a certificate of partial or non conformity. Once it's done, contact your DREAL or DRIEAT (Paris) to arrange a meeting for the approval.
  • Garth Arwynck

    27 septembre 2024

    Are there any tables which show tax to pay according to value of second hand vehicle bought in UK and brought to France? It would help me determine in which price bracket I purchase the vehicle providing the price I pay is what French Customs as the value of the vehicle?
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 septembre 2024

      For VAT and duties it's straightforward, it's 30%. So for every 1,000 pounds, you'll pay 300 extra for VAT and duties.
  • Peter Culpin

    26 septembre 2024

    Ref my earlier question - the heavy car is a Long wheelbase Land Rover Defender and classed as a utility vehicle in the UK - is the same inn France.
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 septembre 2024

      The classification of those vehicles is tricky. In France, it can eventually be classed as a utility vehicle, but only if it's a 2-seater.
  • Peter Culpin

    26 septembre 2024

    I obtained my carte de sejour in June 2021 after buying a property in Normandie in December 2020. Following that we purchased two cars in the UK which we brought with us to France as our own vehicles. We were charged duty and tax on both of approximately €20,000 per vehicle. But you say that if bringing our own cars to France the cars would be exempt of these taxes. Were we charged because we bought them in the UK after becoming permanent French residents.? One of the cars weighs 2014kg - will we have to pay the weight tax on this car in addition to taxes etc already paid.
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 septembre 2024

      Yes, we wrote "if you move to France (permanent residency) with your own car", which suggests that you should already own it when you transfer your residence. And to be more precise, you must actually have the logbook for at least 6 months prior to moving to be eligible. About the CO2 and weight tax you might have to pay a surcharge, it depends on the year of first registration in the UK (and emissions re CO2 tax).
  • Shuuo

    19 septembre 2024

    Bonjour je suis acheté un véhicule,,2007 âne Mercedes Benz C180 , Hollande
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 septembre 2024

      Sorry we don't get your question, could you ask it in English?
  • Alun

    18 septembre 2024

    Lots of very interesting information here but also a little confusing for me (and frightening). I will be moving to france and have 2 cars (Citroen and Landrover), a classic car (1993 Porsche 968), a renault master van and a BMW motorcycle (plus 2 trailers). So for example one of my cars is a 2011 Land Rover Discovery 3.0 diesel. CO2 258.1 g/km. It is probably only worth about £6000. What would i expect to pay when importing it to France? And, how does a van differ to cars in the process - the Renault is a panel van but i use it for moving our personal stuff around - helping the children move house and picking things up from the DIY store etc.
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 septembre 2024

      In short: when coming with personal cars, you are exempted from VAT and duties. You'll have to pay 30% total on the value of the Master since it is a van. The Land Rover is older than 10 years, therefore no ecological tax. There is therefore nothing scary in your case, just quite some red tape. If the Master value is substantial, maybe sell it there and buy a similar one here to avoid VAT and duties.
    • Alun

      15 janvier 2025

      Since posting this question i have replaced the citroen with a Jaguar F-Pace - purchased 30 November. I will start to move personal items from the end of April and will declare all my vehicles on the list for customs then. When is the 6 months backdated from? is it from the date of that list or is it from the date i bring the car into france? ie if i bring the car after 30 May will it be classed as 6 months of ownership and no duty payable or does it go from the date of the list - so the vehicle will only have been owned 5 months at that point. I obviously can't bring all my vehicles at once.
      • Logo Eplaque


        16 janvier 2025

        We double checked on the customs website, unfortunately they don't specify this clearly. According to ChatGPT, this condition must be met when you transfer your residence in France. Although it would be better to double check directly with French customs, it makes sense to us.
  • Paul Harvey

    3 septembre 2024

    Hi, a question of import costs from UK to France. I am French resident and my brother wants to gift me a car and it's 2002 MGF. Would I be exempted from 30% duties upon import? or would the authority take a mean average for Tax levy as the car was free? Kind regards.
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 septembre 2024

      Duties/VAT apply even if it's a gift. They will calculate it based on the market value of the car.
  • Caroline Greenman

    13 août 2024

    Hi we bought a french registered car in the UK because we were moving to Menorca. The car dealer asked the seller to sign the paperwork, so when we bought it he dated and put my name on the paperwork. That was 2 years ago. We cannot put the car in my name because we do not reside in France, we cannot register it in Menorca because the paperwork is not in my name. Any ideas of how to proceed. We have a car sitting on the drive which we cannot use.
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 août 2024

      The only solutions that we can think of would involve the help of an trusted acquaintance in France. Either that person will become the main owner, and you will be the co-owner (hoping that it's enough for Menorca), either that person provides you with an accommodation certificate so that you can make the registration certificate (probably not 100% legal). Or eventually register it in the UK first?
  • Ted

    24 juillet 2024

    Hello, I have been told that UK car dealers do not have VAT on used cars. If that is why do I have to pay VAT on import to france.
    • Logo Eplaque


      24 juillet 2024

      No. Any imported good is subject to VAT, irrespective of its VAT status abroad, unless there are agreements in place (like in the EU). In case of export one can however require an exemption for permanent export, or to claim a refund later when you have the proof of payment abroad.
  • Lauren mike

    16 juillet 2024

    I'm trying to ship my 2024 DMC sierra truck to France, please how much will the shipping and custom registration cost
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 juillet 2024

      We don't do logistics, therefore we are not familiar with shipping rates. About customs, you 'll have to pay 30% on the market value of the car. About the registration taxes, they are described on the page. In your case, what is tricky is to determine whether this pick-up is considered as a utility vehicle or a car. For the former, you won't have to pay CO2 tax. For the latter, you will have to, and given the vehicle type it probably means the maximum price, which is EUR 60,000. The 10% discount (second hand car <= 1 year) won't change much to that outrageous price.
  • Ted Kersey-Brown

    16 juillet 2024

    Je souhaite importer une voiture d'occasion de Grande-Bretagne en France et je paie le malus écologique sur les émissions de co2.
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 juillet 2024

      You might have to pay, it will depend on the CO2 emission and the age of the car. Any vehicle older than 10 years is exempted automatically, because there is a 10% discount per year of age for second-hand car. If you car is more recent, it will depend on the CO2 emissions. If you provide them to us, we can tell you exactly how much that would be.
  • Ian Gower

    14 juillet 2024

    Bonjour, I am considering purchasing a second hand vehicle from Germany. I am trying to establish how much this would cost me in taxes. The vehicle I have in mind is 2020 Mercedes GLC43 AMG. I would be very grateful if you could assist in this matter. Cordialement
    • Logo Eplaque


      15 juillet 2024

      In order to assist you, we would need to know the CO2 emissions of the car + the power of the engine, and it's exact registration date. Note that 2020 is tricky, as until the end of February we have to use NEDC standard, and as of March 1st WLTP emission.
  • Bondi david

    11 juillet 2024

    Bonjour, je souhaite expédier ma triumph scrambler 1300 de 2019 depuis Hong Kong en france. Je reste non-resident car toujours basé à HK. Il y aura une taxe d’importation et de la tva. Est-ce que ces taxes seront calculées sur la base de la valeur actuelle, ou sur la valeur d’achat? La valeur d’occasion est de 10000 euros. Merci
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 juillet 2024

      Les taxes (30 % en tout) seront calculées sur base de la valeur de marché. Les douanes utilisent des outils de type cote de l'Argus pour déterminer la valeur du véhicule.
  • Ben Dickson

    2 juillet 2024

    Hello we are moving to Occtaine full time in Sept 2024. How much 'roughly' would it cost to adapt and register our old volvo v40 diesel 2014? We have had the car for about 5 years. I did an online calculator and it gave me a figure of about 4300 euros? I really don't think that is correct?
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 juillet 2024

      The online calculator might include VAT and duties, which could explain the quote. If you move with your car in France, you won't have to pay those (exemption for relocation from abroad). If your car has an e-COC, total cost (registration, individual approval) will be way under EUR 1,000, we would say around 500-700.
  • Charles Bradley

    23 juin 2024

    Hello, Can you please tell me how much you charge to change my UK Car log book to a french Carte Gris. The car is 27 years old and they stopped making them in 2003 so no longer in production I am a full time resident in France and a permanent resident card. The car has been over in France for over 12 years and not used on the roads just in my garage. Can you please advise me on what I need to do to get a French Carte Gris and how much you charge to a Carte Gris for me. Many Regards C Bradley
    • Logo Eplaque


      24 juin 2024

      We would need more data in order to calculate the price, since it will depend on the power of your car and your region.
  • Lin

    16 juin 2024

    Hello. I am trying to find out he cost of registering our car. We have lived in the Tarn et Garonne for 22 years. In 2013 (intending to return to the U.K.) bought a LR Freelander HSE TD4Auto (2010) 2179 cc diesel. Car has 148986 kilometres on the clock. Unfortunately for health reasons cannot return to U.K. and need to register the car here. What are the likely costs. Thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 juin 2024

      You'll pay 30% in VAT and duties on the market value of the car. For individual approval, around EUR 500. Actual registration cost will depend on fiscal power of the car, probably around EUR 240.
    • Lin

      17 juin 2024

      What does “ for individual approval” mean? And what is “fiscal power”? Thanks for your help.
      • Logo Eplaque


        18 juin 2024

        An individual approval is a procedure to approve a car that doesn't have a European certificate of conformity. However, UK cars that do have one still have to do it (but it's easier), to make sure that miles have been converted to km, and headlights have been properly adjusted since we drive on the other side of the road. Fiscal power is a number that reflects the power of the car. It is used to calculate registration tax, we multiply it by the region tax price per unit (EUR 47, half price for cars older than 10 years).
  • Lee

    13 juin 2024

    Hey there, I am trying to register my car in France, it's a used X3 firstly registered in the UK on 10/2018. Do need to pay pollution tax or not ? I read it that used car are exampt from this tax since 2021 that purchased in France but not sure for used car purhcased aboard..
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 juin 2024

      The tax is due for every first registration in France; second-hand imported cars fit that description, therefore the pollution tax is due. However, you won't pay the actual (high) price. 2018 rates will apply, and a 10% discount is granted for every year of age.
  • Martyn HARVEY

    10 juin 2024

    Bonjour. J’habite en France depuis 22 ans. J’ai acheté une voiture en Angleterre en Avril 2023 et pour l’instant mon fils utilise la voiture. Je veux importer cette voiture en France peut-être en Novembre cette année (2024). Ma question est; vu que je suis propriétaire de la voiture depuis 14 mois déjà, est-ce que je dois payer le 20% TVA et le 10% pour les Douanes ou pas si j’import la voiture ici en France? Merci à vous.
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 juin 2024

      L'exonération n'est accordée que pour les personnes qui viennent de s'installer en France. Vu que vous êtes ici depuis 22 ans, ce sera traité comme une importation normale, vous devrez donc payer les droits de douane et la TVA.
  • Helen Atkinson

    6 juin 2024

    I am trying to work out the cost of importing my 12 year old MX5 1.8 roadster into France. Can you help me as to where I start .
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 juin 2024

      You can use the link in the article to calculate accurately the cost of the registration itself. On top of that, you might have to pay VAT and duties (30% total) if the import doesn't follow shortly a permanent move to France. There will be homologation costs, not that high if the car has an e-coc (hundreds), worth a few thousands if no e-coc.
  • Anthony Davenport

    3 juin 2024

    Hi, We are planning to relocate to France in October and have two vehicles we wish to import into France. One is a Motorhome that we have owned for 18 months the other is a recently purchased used car. Our plan is to drive over in the Motorhome and have the car shipped at a later date. I believe the Motorhome will be duty and VAT free, however, we will have owned the car for less than 6 months when WE move to France but for MORE than 6 months when the car arrives. Will we still be liable for duty and VAT?
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 juin 2024

      That's tricky, official information portals are not very specific regarding which date is taken into account to calculate those 6 months. This page, however, says "depuis au moins 6 mois avant le transfert de résidence". Therefore it suggests that it's the date of the residence transfer in France that is taken into account. But we cannot guarantee that their wording is accurate, better to liaise with them to make sure.
  • Paget Irene

    3 juin 2024

    Si nous avons achete une voiture anglais en angleterre (d'occasion) et nous sommes residents en france, pourquoi nous devons avoir un quitus fiscal? Si c'est necessaire, on doit payer 10% du valeur et un autre 20% tva ie 30% du valeur?!) Merci de votre reponse rapide.
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 juin 2024

      L'Angleterre ne faisant plus partie de l'Union européenne, il ne vous faut pas un quitus fiscal, mais un certificat 846A de dédouanement. Celui-ci implique de devoir payer les droits de douane et la TVA, oui.
  • Paget

    2 juin 2024

    Bonjour, nous venons d'acheter une voiture anglaise - VW TDI Golf Match Estate Diesel Automatique. Nous habitons depuis 15ans en France, donc il y sera un charge pour changer l'immatriculation ici, en France svp?
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 juin 2024

      Oui, vous devrez payer 20 % de TVA et 10 % de droits de douane sur la valeur du véhicule.
  • Nigel

    29 mai 2024

    HiHi, I am trying to calculate the cost of importing and registering my BMW R 1200 RT motorcycle to France?It was first registered on 01.09.2013? 1170 cc. Many thanks, Nigel Sent from Outlook for Android
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 mai 2024

      In which French region do you live?
  • Roger Manning

    29 mai 2024

    Good morning. I am a permanent resident in France with a Carte de Sejour. I must re register my 6 years old LR Evoque diesel at present on U.K. plates. What will this cost please?
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 mai 2024

      We cannot say based on those elements, we need to know the engine power, and CO2 emissions + your region of residence.
  • Shaun Chapman

    25 mai 2024

    My car has been involved in a accident and written off, so I need to replace it. I am due to move to France in July. I am looking at buying a 2013 plate car. Will I be liable to import tax, or will it be waived as it is to replace a written off one? Kindest regards, Shaun.
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 mai 2024

      People moving to France can be exempted of duties and VAT, but only for cars that they have been owning for at least 6 months. The aim is to prevent abuses, like people taking advantage of the move to import cars and resell them. They don't take into account your unfortunate situation, I'm afraid.
  • Alan

    21 mai 2024

    I want to know how much it would cost to import a transit van from the uk to france please. 2010 2 litre diesel. I am buying it for £2500. I am resident in france in the 87 region.
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 mai 2024

      You'll pay the euro equivalent of 750 pounds in duties and VAT. For individual approval, COC, it should cost you another few hundreds. We cannot assess precisely the cost of the registration itself without knowing the fiscal power of the van. By typing "2 litre diesel" in Google, we found a value of 7 for a random model. Based on that, it would be around EUR 170.
  • Martin Warren

    20 mai 2024

    Hi , I live and work in France and have a carte de sejour and a CDI contract for the last 2 years now. Im looking to bring a 2009 Audi TT tdi from England that I paid £3000 private sale. Looking at the same car in France it is 9cv . So was wondering how much it would cost for me to import into France . Thanks Martin
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 mai 2024

      You'll pay the euro equivalent of 900 pounds in duties and VAT. For individual approval, COC, it should cost you another few hundreds. Registration itself will be less than 300 (will depend on where you live, will range between EUR 150 and 300).
  • Martin

    18 mai 2024

    I want to import a Porsche Carrera 4S Cabriolet 2021 model. From Sweden to Alpes Maritime. What would the total cost be? It weighs less than 1800 kg.
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mai 2024

      We don't have enough data to calculate the price precisely, eg we need engine power for regional taxes. However, you'll pay the most expensive CO2 tax irrespective of the engine, which will be EUR 18.000 or 21.000 depending on the first registration date.
  • Ajm

    14 mai 2024

    I want to inport BMW 730Li from model 2010 Gasoline fuel type, weighting more than 1,800 kg , it’s costing 9,000 dollars (from GCC) , how much will costc
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 mai 2024

      In VAT and duties, it will cost the euro equivalent of $3,000 (unless the market value of the car is actually higher; you'll pay 30% on that). There are also individual approval costs that vary according to the model.
  • Pervaiz

    4 mai 2024

    Je veux importer une voiture des Émirats arabes unis, combien payer les taxes, c'est l'option de folie de car.doudge challenger. modèle /2015 _origine /canada. attendez 1500kg.
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 mai 2024

      This pages explains what to expect, please have a look.
  • viv HAWKER

    24 avril 2024

    Hi, we have been resident in France (CDS) for a number of years but working in the UK for the last 10 years. Our employment has now finished and we can now stay in France all the time. We have a UK 2018 Volvo V60 which have had to bring over as we ran out of time to sell it in the UK. We have owned it 5 years. Would it be possible/practical to re-register here in France? thank you for any help
    • Logo Eplaque


      25 avril 2024

      Possible, yes. Practical, since Brexit probably not (although it will depend on your tolerance to bureaucracy and costs). If you are not too far from the Channel, it's probably best to plan a quick trip to sell it in the UK.
  • Colin

    20 avril 2024

    I have lived in France for 18 years I have a 10 year Carte Sejour I have just purchased a 2013 Mercedes car from a dealer in the U.K. I paid a little over £3,000 and I have invoices and receipts from the dealer, I live permanently in France and this car will be re registered immediately can you give me an idea if I will have to pay import duty etc the car has a COC
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 avril 2024

      Yes you'll have to pay the euro equivalent of 900 pounds (30%).
  • Terry Clark

    20 avril 2024

    Does a resident in France have to pay import taxes on a 14 year old Mercedes’ E350 diesel
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 avril 2024

      If the car comes from outside the EU, yes. From the EU, no.
  • Terry

    20 avril 2024

    I have a 14 year old Mercedes E350 diesel in England I live permanently in France do I have to pay import taxes Terry
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 avril 2024

      If you import it shortly (6 months) after taking permanent residence in France, you don't have to pay. Otherwise you'll have to pay it.

    18 avril 2024

    Good morning I have a 2 year old 1200cc Ducati motorcycle I would like to register in Nice. I have obtained an ‘ Attestation d’Identification Vehicules Importes Conformes a un Type Communautaire’ (COC) from Ducati in Nice. The ANTS web site is too confusing….. Would you be good enough to give me a call or drop me an e mail to discuss the best way for you guys to sort it for me . Thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 avril 2024

      Sure Andy we can discuss, however please liaise directly with our registrations dept: (our job here is strictly moderation, if we ask them to contact you it will delay things).
  • Edward Fitzgerald

    8 avril 2024

    Hi there I am enquiring about registering my 1999 Fiat Ducato Kontiki diesel campervan in France We have been living here for almost 4 years in Normandy. I have a Carte de sejours until 2026 . Can you please tell me what is involved in that and how much it would cost and how much you would charge to do this?
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 avril 2024

      It will depend on the origin (EU/non EU). This page explains pretty well what to expect, please have a look. We stay at your disposal if you have specific questions. Our fee to process the paperwork is EUR 68.9.
  • Erica

    1 avril 2024

    Hello, My question dissapeared? We are going to move to France perminantly, from the Netherlands. We are going to take our two cars with us: Renault Kadjar (2018) and Renault Clio (2013). Which steps and what costs do we have to import these cars into France? Thank you!
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 avril 2024

      Every comment is moderated prior to publishing, that's why you couldn't see it until now. This page answers in detail your question. If you have more specific enquiries, we'll be happy to help.
    • Erica

      2 avril 2024

      My main question is about moving to France with our two cars. The Renault Kadjar (2018) and Renault Clio (2013). Do we need certain paperwork for the cars to be imported into France and what are the costs for importing the car? Thanks for the help!
      • Logo Eplaque


        3 avril 2024

        The costs will depend on many parameters, as explained above. You'll need the COC of the car, and get a "quitus fiscal" from the "centre des impots des entreprises" from your area + standard paperwork (id, proof of address, insurance, driving license, MOT, actual registration certificate).
  • Pat Dorothy

    31 mars 2024

    Hello. I'm looking at purchasing a 7.5 ton truck in Holland and importing it to France. I'm going to use it as a loisir, not professional. The truck is 2007. The cost of it is 8500€. From what I've read I think there will be no duty to pay, just to get a quitus fiscal then the cost of a new CT & registration. Is this correct or am I missing something?
    • Logo Eplaque


      1 avril 2024

      Make sure you have the COC. If the truck has an e-COC and has not been modified, yes this is all you need (+ quitus) to register it on top of standard paperwork (proof of address and identity, valid driving license, proof of insurance, MOT, etc.).
  • Mustafa Cakir

    25 mars 2024

    We are a reseller of new Minibuses ( Diesel- 20 seats - 5500kg ) from Netherlands. We have customers from france who ask if they need to pay extra taxes above VAT. Does passenger buses pays extra taxes?
    • Logo Eplaque


      25 mars 2024

      No, they will pay the same registration taxes as if the vehicle was purchased in France.
  • stef

    14 mars 2024

    how to calculate fiscal power of vehicle 1986 h-
    • Logo Eplaque


      15 mars 2024

      It's very complicated :) You can read our article on the matter with Google Translate:
  • Steve Curtis

    14 mars 2024

    Hello I am looking at importing an Audi Q7 from Germany the car is a 2021 and is a petrol hybrid electric. I live in the Hdf Soissons could you tell me roughly the cost for the carte gris the fical cv is 16 and emission is 61g a km Thank you in advance for your help.
    • Logo Eplaque


      15 mars 2024

      It will be just under EUR 600 (16 x EUR 36.2 + EUR 13.76). No "malus" given the low emissions.
  • Mike Winterbotham

    14 mars 2024

    I am moving to France permanently and will be taking my car with me. Do I still have to pay import duty and vat? Initially I will have a one year visa, and then extending that.
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 mars 2024

      If you do the process shortly after settling, you won't have to pay if you have been owning the car for at least 6 months.
  • Alun Hickman

    5 mars 2024

    Hello, We are relocating to France permanently and I own a trike - a Can Am Spyder RT Ltd which is 4 years old. Will I have to pay the malus écologique. It emits 162 g/km. Many thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 mars 2024

      That's a cool vehicle :) This ecological tax is only due for cars, and since trikes are classified as a "3-wheelers" in our system, no malus is due.
  • peter white

    5 mars 2024

    hi i have retuned to france with my english car and the douannes are charging me nearly 2000 euros for customs duty and vat on it is this right. the car is only worth about £2500
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 mars 2024

      VAT should be 20% and duties 10%, but if you didn't do the procedure on time, penalties apply. Ask them for the breakdown.
  • peter white

    28 février 2024

    hi i have a 2008 kia sorento with 8500 miles on the clock and i have had the car for nearly 2 years and i have taken the car to france where i live and have been told i will have to pay 527 euros to customs and 1159 tva on the car is that right
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 février 2024

      If you relocate to France, those taxes can be waived, but we guess the registration must occur pretty quickly after the move, sth like 6 months max. If you own a second residence, in any case you have to pay duties and VAT.
  • James Gunsolus

    16 février 2024

    Is the Y3 pollution tax required to be paid I order to register a camping van imported from Germany?
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 février 2024

      No, it only applies to cars, and certain utility vehicles such as pick-ups ("trucks" in the US).
  • jon walker

    7 février 2024

    I am considering buying 1 of a choice of 2 cars from uk nto France 1 Ford Galaxy 20 diesel auto 2017 price £3800 gbp or a 2018 Citroen c4 Grand Picasso 16 hdi diesel auto price £4500 Can you tell me how much duty would be payable and if there are any other charges Thanks Jon
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 février 2024

      In VAT and taxes you'll pay 30% on the value of the car. About the costs we cannot say without knowing the fiscal power of the vehicles.
  • blockley

    29 janvier 2024

    HI there - I was looking to register a UK Vehicle in France, for St Maxime, its a 09 Landrover 110 with emissions around 290..... How much would I be looking at?
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 janvier 2024

      Costs are broken down on the page, the good news is that you won't have to pay an ecological tax. The registration itself should be around EUR 500, customs and individual approval will cost more.
  • KIM

    25 janvier 2024

    J'ai acheté une BMW X5 30d (F15) 2017 neuve en Corée du Sud en 2017, et après avoir déménagé en France, je l'ai amenée en France et je me prépare à l'immatriculer à Paris. J'ai vérifié les spécifications et l'émission de CO2 de la voiture est de 162 g/km (BMW). Cependant, lorsque j'ai reçu les taxes pour l'enregistrement de la voiture, j'ai été informé de 879 euros pour la taxe locale, 400 euros pour la taxe d'émission de CO2, et ainsi de suite, pour un total de plus de 3000 euros. Est-ce normal, je ne sais pas comment le calcul fonctionne. Traduit avec (version gratuite)
    • Logo Eplaque


      26 janvier 2024

      Merci de fournir le détail du prix de toutes les taxes qui donnent ce total de 3.000 EUR.
    • KIM

      5 février 2024

      c'est la y1. regional : 879.xx y2. transport surchage: 0.00 y3. co2 and tmom penalty: 2400 y4. fixed: 11 y5. transporation fee: 2.76 y6. ttl to pay: 3292.xx
  • Simon

    17 janvier 2024

    Hi I am thinking of importing an 1972 bay window vw camper to France, The value is 23,500 pounds. What taxes and duties should I expect to pay? How much will a carte grise de collection cost? How soon would I need to get the control technique done? Will I have to have a safety check of the bottled gas installation? Will be based in Bretagne (29)
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 janvier 2024

      You will pay 30% of 23,500, therfore 7,050 pounds. To get the "vintage certificate", it costs EUR 60. But beware that if the vehicle has been modified (which is probably the case given the gas installation), you are not eligible to the vintage status. About the registration costs, there is no surcharge for "collection" vehicles.
  • Les

    17 janvier 2024

    Hi, we are considering buying a 2and hand car in the UK and importing it to France. The cost of some 2nd hand cars in the UK are significantly cheaper than the equivalent 2and hand car in France. Is the UK price paid accepted as the basis for calculating the vat and import tax?
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 janvier 2024

      It will be accepted if the customs consider that it does not deviate too much from market price. Otherwise they might calculate VAT and duties based on their own estimate.
  • David

    9 janvier 2024

    Hi, are you able to provide me with an estimate of the costs of importing a VW Transporter (kombi van) into The Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region please. The vehicle was first registered in the UK in 2013 and is a 2.0 diesel (T30 140bhp) (198g CO2/km) with 5 seats and a maximum gross weight of 3000 kg. It has a current value of about £13000.
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 janvier 2024

      You won't pay an ecological tax as the car is older than 10 years. Car registration cost will be around EUR 160. If you bought this vehicle, VAT and duties will be euro equivalent of 3,900 pounds. You'll also have to pay a few hundreds for individual approval.
  • Jenny

    4 janvier 2024

    I have a citreon Berlingo 7 seater registered in Jersey Channel Islands as I still have a house there. I bought the car new in 2021. We have been French residents since 2020. Do you know what it would cost me to register in France, duty and everything?
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 janvier 2024

      We would need a lot of data to do such assessment (car value, fiscal power, CO2 emissions, your region, etc.).
  • Andrew

    2 janvier 2024

    Hello , can you please tell me if I will have to pay duty’s if I import my French registered car into Martinique. I had hold a carte de séjour permanent , having lived and worked in France for 20 years . Also for my dog again is French with an up to date passport , does she have to through the ridiculous bureaucracy that other Caribbean countries have ? Any information greatly appreciated.
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 janvier 2024

      If you take your permanent address in Martinique, you should be exempted. About dogs regulation we have no idea, sorry.
  • Robert Hotchkiss

    28 décembre 2023

    Cost of registering a 2015 Jaguar XF 2.0d from a private seller in the UK, buying for £8500
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 décembre 2023

      We would need a lot more data to assess the cost, please have a look at the details mentioned in the article.
  • Ture

    7 décembre 2023

    Hello, I'm looking at importing a 2020 VW Tiguan, 2.0 190hp. I can see the CO2 emission is set to 155 g/km NEDC or 194 g/km WLTP. I have friends that have imported similar or bigger cars from 2018 2-3 years ago, and they only had to pay 800-1000 euros. But I got a reply that I have to pay a lot more. What would you estimate the CO2 emission tax to? I feel something is wrong, but it's not easy to get in contact with ANTS without having to wait several weeks.
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 décembre 2023

      The new WLTP standard entered into force on the 1st of March 2020. Therefore there is one tax rate based on NEDC for cars prior to March 1, and another one based on WLTP cycle (because WLTP emissions are higher). I checked the figures, if you car was first registered before March 1st, 2020, the malus is EUR 5,105 (minus 10% per "started" year, therefore around EUR 3,000). After March 1, it jumps to 9,103 (around EUR 5,500). Your friend paid less because the tax was way lower in 2018. Nowadays this tax goes up to 60k, which is quite crazy.
    • Ture

      8 décembre 2023

      Hi, thanks for your reply. The car was first registered in June 2020, which I see now is a bummer as it's just after the new rules. Merci beaucoup, Ture
      • Logo Eplaque


        11 décembre 2023

        Sorry to hear that, de rien !
  • Sebastien

    4 décembre 2023

    Je vis aux US depuis plus de 25 ans et voudrais retourner en France. Je suis propriétaire d’une Ferrari depuis 4 mois , dois je payer le malus pour la tax d’émission si ma voiture est enregistrer en Floride ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 décembre 2023

      Oui, le malus est dû pour toute première immatriculation en France, il s'applique donc aux véhicules d'occasion importés. Si votre Ferrari a été achetée neuve, vous devrez payer le malus 2023 moins 10 % (on bénéficie d'une telle réduction par année entamée d'ancienneté). Ce serait donc 45.000 €. Si la voiture était d'occasion ce sera moins car on se base sur le malus de l'année de la première immatriculation à l'étranger. Donc plus il est ancien plus la grille est abordable, et plus le montant baisse grâce à la réduction de 10 %. En vertu de cette règle pour les voitures de 10 ans et plus on ne paie aucun malus.
  • Alex

    28 novembre 2023

    Hello, I have an Audi Q5 2009 (211 ch) brought from another EU country. I live in France now. Do you guys have a service where you can take care of the Registration process for a fee? If yes, how much would you charge for it? Thanks in advance!
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 novembre 2023

      Yes this is what we do, for an imported car we charge a EUR 68.9 fee. On top you will pay to us the registration taxes, that we will transfer to French tax authorities. You'll need to get a "quitus fiscal" (at the service des impôts des entreprises of your area, free of charge) and provide the CoC of your EU car.
  • heidi

    15 novembre 2023

    I wanted to buy a second hand car in Germany and then bring it France where I am a resident. Is there an import tax of 10% on the car ? Or is that just if I bring it from out side the EU.
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 novembre 2023

      Within the EU there are no duties or VAT on second hand cars. Bear in mind that from a customs point of view, to be "used" a vehicle must be older than 6 months, and have a mileage greater than 6,000 km. If the car fulfills both conditions, the only extra cost due to the origin of the car might be the ecotax. Calculation method for used imported car is the following: 1. Check the price, based on C02 emission, of the "malus ecologique" that was in force during the year of the car registration abroad, then deduct 10 % for every year of age. In short, it means that there is no tax for >=10 years old cars. And the older (lower tax base, which gets higher every passing year + discount bases on age) and the lower the emissions, the lowest you will pay.
  • steve penney

    7 novembre 2023

    I am disabled. Is there an exemption for importing a used car into france
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 novembre 2023

      If the vehicle is subject to the "malus" (ecological tax), you will be exempted if you have a "CMI" card mentioning that you are disabled ("invalide").
  • Calum

    5 novembre 2023

    Hello, how much will I roughly have to pay to import a 2017 Volkswagen Crafter 2.0TDi 140ps Thank you, Calum
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 novembre 2023

      As detailed in the article it will depend on many other factors. Please go through it, if you have specific questions we remain at your disposal.
  • Stuart Elliott

    29 octobre 2023

    Thank you for this article, it is very helpful. I have done all the calcs, worked out the numbers, seems ok. What I’m not clear on is specifically what you are exempt from so long as you register the car on arrival in France? Is it just the TVA and import duties? I think that’s what is meant. All of the following costs (i.e. Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5) are still payable in line with all the above guidance. The Malus Ecologique does its job and really makes you think whether it’s worth keeping the big car or switching to a little French run-around.
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 octobre 2023

      Exemption for relocation applies only to VAT and duties, indeed. You'll have to pay car registration taxes in full. This malus really has to be taken into consideration when coming with an imported car. A recent and powerful one will make it very expensive. However, you don't necessarily have to switch to a little car. Malus is due only on first registration (new cars, or any imported car). Therefore, you can sell you car and buy a similar second hand one in France (with French plates). You won't have to pay a malus on that car. Moreover, you won't have to go through the hassle of registering a foreign car (car approval, customs, etc.).
  • Ellen Davis

    28 octobre 2023

    I will be moving from Florida to France next year, 2024. This will be a permanent move for retirement after I obtain my residency visa. I was told that I would need to possess full title on this vehicle for a minimum of six months before I ship it in order to not have to pay the VAT and duties. Is that true?
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 octobre 2023

      That's right. Bear also in mind that individual approval of US cas is costly (a few thousands). Unless you absolutely want to drive a model that is not distributed in Europe, it is much more economical to buy a car locally (shipping, individual approval, ecological tax for first registration...).
  • Khadija Assoudi

    26 octobre 2023

    I am a French national who used to live in the UK and moved back to France in 2019. I had brought my UK car with me and didn't have to pay any taxes and duties, as Brexit hadn't been promulgated yet. I still own a property in the UK and still have a UK address, so would I now incur taxes and duties if I were to go back to the UK for the purpose of buying a second hand car and bringing it with me to France? Thanks.
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 octobre 2023

      Yes, in case of purchase you will have to pay. People can still be exempted if they move with a UK car they own, but since you moved back 4 years ago you won't be eligible.
  • Nigel

    21 octobre 2023

    Hi, How much would it cost to register a british registered caravan aged 20 years and an Irish reg BMW motorcycle in France? Thanks,
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 octobre 2023

      For caravans the flat rate for registration taxes is 13,76 EUR, for a bike it depends on the fiscal power and your region.
    • Nigel

      26 octobre 2023

      I think I've found out that the caravan is almost impossible to register here. How about my BMW R1200ST 2008 model. It has abs and I know that if it didn't I would have to get it restricted before they could register it. What would be the tax and registration fees if bringing it from Ireland?
      • Logo Eplaque


        27 octobre 2023

        Old vehicles can be registered as far as you have all the paperwork and that they were respecting the approval rules of the time.
  • steve penney

    21 octobre 2023

    are disabled people exempt from import taxes for cars imported from britain.
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 octobre 2023

      No, unfortunately.
  • JR

    11 octobre 2023

    We are moving to France on a 1 year visa VLS-TS, to a house that I have bought. It will be our main (only) home. We want to take our 3 cars from the UK, all of which we have owned for more than 6 mths: Citroen C1 (2012 reg), Land Rover Discovery 4 (2014 reg)and a BMW 320D M-Sport (2010 reg). What will we be liable to pay? Thank you.
    • Logo Eplaque


      12 octobre 2023

      If you register them right after you move, you won't pay tax and duties. You might have to pay a CO2 tax on the Land Rover, depending on the exact date of registration. I cannot assess the standard registration costs without knowing the region of residence and the fiscal power of the vehicles.
  • Helen Atkinson

    11 octobre 2023

    I want import my MX5 2 litre roaster. It is 11 years old. I assume I wont have to pay any tax due to its age. I live in France and I am the sole owner of the car and have had it since 2015. The car is worth approx £6,000.
    • Logo Eplaque


      12 octobre 2023

      You won't have to pay the CO2 tax. However you might have to pay duties and VAT if you took your residence in France long time ago. Exemption is only valid if the car is cleared 6 months after you move I believe, to be checked with your French customs office.
  • Graham Dupree

    7 octobre 2023

    In 2018 we moved to France residency from UK, and I obtained a certificate D’immatriculation CG,for my 2016 Volvo, and obtained registration number plates. However we reverted to UK residency in 2020, and the car was back on UK plates. if we move permanently to France next year, do I start the whole process again? I still have the CG. I understand from your article that in moving our residency we shall not pay the TVA etc taxes? As it is a hybrid vehicle the emissions are low (Crit air 1 sticker obtained) so other costs may be low? Thank you.
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 octobre 2023

      Yes, you'll have to start all over again as your CG has been cancelled. You won't have to pay VAT and duties, indeed. Depending on the region you might pay EUR 13,76 in taxes (no regional tax), get a 50% discount or pay the full regional tax... There shouldn't be a malus ecologique on a hybrid car.
  • Stuart Rains

    6 septembre 2023

    I am planning to import my 2003 HondaCRV when we move to France permenantly in November. My onsite calculation using your tool was €316, am I right in thinking there is no Malus Tax as the vehicle is over 10 years old ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 septembre 2023

      Yes, that sounds right. Not only there is no malus tax for cars over 10 years old, but in 2003 the tax didn't exist at all, therefore it cannot be applicable (we use the malus scheme of the first registration date to calculate the tax for imported cars).
    • Stuart rains

      7 septembre 2023

      I calculated the Fiscal Rating (CV) as 10 is there anywhere you know I can check that, that is right before I pay & apply ? Do I need to officially import the car into France before I apply for the Carte Grise ? Thanks
      • Logo Eplaque


        8 septembre 2023

        Fiscal power is calculated like this: 1,34 + (1,8 *(kw/100)^2) + (3,87 * (kw/100)). Yes it is needed, because without 846A certificate you cannot register the car.
  • Martyn Prior

    29 août 2023

    Hi I wish to find out how much my Ford Truck will cost to transfer from UK to French plates?
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 août 2023

      That's the point of this article, read it through and you'll be able to evaluate the costs.
  • Roelof ZEIJPVELD

    21 août 2023

    Combien cela coûterait-il si je déménageais ma BMW M235 2016 de Suisse en France. La voiture a un CoO européen. Je possède une propriété in Gard, mais je ne suis pas un résident à temps plein. Merci
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 août 2023

      C'est difficile à dire sans plus de précisions, le prix va dépendre des émissions de CO2 ainsi que de la valeur de marché de la voiture. L'article fournit toutes les ressources pour calculer le prix exact.
  • Olga

    7 août 2023

    Hello, I am moving out this month in Nice, France from UK and i have a car here which i want to take with me. I would like to find out what i will need to do to register it permanently in France and what duties i will have to pay so i can prepare everything.
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 août 2023

      This is what the article is about, read it and you will find out :)
  • Richard Stein

    22 juillet 2023

    We are considering buying an electric Tesla Model S age 2016 from Norway (a European Economic Area country) for 25,000€. Are we correct in understanding that there is no vehicle tax to be paid (as it was already paid in Norway and with bilateral agreement it is therefore not due to be paid again in France? The only tax would be import tax and would this be still 10% for an electric car? The car would come with a COC. Appreciate your advice. Thank you, Richard
    • Logo Eplaque


      24 juillet 2023

      Norway is not part of the customs union, therefore duties and VAT will be due (EUR 7,500 in total).
  • Maloney

    20 juillet 2023

    Hi. I have a new petrol vehicle (ford Kuga) bought in UK last week, at 50 % Discount. I want to bring to France as a resident. Will the vat in France be on the value, or the price paid?
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 juillet 2023

      Customs can calculate it based on market value if they believe that the invoice value is too low.
  • Prutzman

    17 juillet 2023

    I am moving back to France permanently from Florida; I already lived in France for 11 years and have a current carte de sejour. I am starting work in September and want to ship my Mini Cooper S 2023 to France. You stated if you are moving permanently there is no VAT - is this true? What are the fees I need to pay and is it worth it?
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 juillet 2023

      Yes, not VAT and duties for people moving to France with their own car. The individual approval might cost a few thousands euro, that should be the main expense regarding such car (ecotax to check according to CO2 emissions).
  • Don Peers

    14 juillet 2023

    Hi I am trying to establish the viability in either bringing my Cars to France or selling in UK and purchasing here could you please advise the fees payable ? Mercedes sl400 2019 and Mercedes GLS350 2019 I have owned the cars more than 18 months and wish to apply for residency
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 juillet 2023

      Duties are not an issue if your main address will be in France. The tricky part is the malus écologique, which depends on C02 emissions. I suspect that both vehicles are subject to the maximum tax, which means an extra EUR 5 or 6k per car.
  • Crawford, David

    10 juillet 2023

    I have a 2017 Porsche Cayman 718. I am moving from the UK to France so I understand that I won't have to pay Import Tax or VAT. Can you please tell me what the malus will cost and are there any other fees that I will have to pay? Many thanks David
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 juillet 2023

      This depends on the CO2 emissions. If it's above 191 gr/km, you'll pay the highest amount, which is EUR 3,000 or 4,000 depending on whether the car registration will happen before or after the anniversary of the first registration date.
  • Helen Atkinson

    7 juillet 2023

    I have a 12 year old MX5 roadster. Will i be exempt from import tax on this vehicle.
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 juillet 2023

      If you recently moved your main residence to France, you won't have to pay any duties.
  • Stephen Walker

    30 juin 2023

    I want to get my English car registered in France, what do I do?
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 juillet 2023

      You can do it with us by sending us an email. What documents you will have to provide is described on this page.
  • Lisani Atasayan

    21 mars 2023

    Is there an exemption to malus ecologique depending on the year of the car for the first registration. In other words are classic cara exempt from this tax and which year does this exemption starts? Thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 mars 2023

      Cars older than 10 years won't pay any malus, since there is a 10% discount per year for imported second hand cars.
  • Maxime

    18 mars 2023

    Bonjour, J’habite à Londres et je vais acheter une voiture d’occasion qui aura 2 ans, je vais aller en France et l’offrir à mon petit frère qui habite à Paris, quels sont les démarches qui devra faire ? Changement de plaque etc Quels sont les moyens de pas payer les frais de douanes etc
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mars 2023

      Il n'est pas possible d'y couper. Il serait préférable d'acheter la voiture en France et de lui faire signer directement le certificat de cession, cela vous évitera des frais et des complications.

    17 mars 2023

    Do you pay a malus tax when importing a 30 year old classic car ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mars 2023

      No, because the tax is 0 after 10 years (10% discount per year).
  • Joe

    13 mars 2023

    I have a Portuguese car and l want to change it to French plates how much will it cost please I have a Dacia Logan MCV 2015 l have applied for my renewal of my carte sejour
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 mars 2023

      Click on the link in the article to calculate the price, it depends on several factors like the region where you live.
  • Terry Richford

    11 mars 2023

    I bought a car in Belgium where I paid no tax because it was under the Belgium agreement with NATO. France is also in agreement with the policy that means that you pay no tax when taking the vehicle to ones own country. French NATO employees don't pay tax when they import their car to France. However when I moved from Belgium to France I had to pay over 8000 euros to register the car. I think that there has been an error but I don't know who to approach for resolution. Kind regards Terry Richford
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 mars 2023

      Maybe you had to request a "quitus fiscal" instead of applying for a 846A at the customs? I would contact the "service des impôts des entreprises" (corporate tax office, in charge of delivering quitus to individuals and companies) if you didn't until now.
  • stephen smith

    11 mars 2023

    Hi I would like to register a mercedes viano 2.2 cdi 2014 co2195 approx value £16000 could you give me some idea , I am a resident in france Dept 49 it would be our personal car thank you in advance
  • Garth Arwynck

    9 mars 2023

    Bonjour à tous La France est ma résidence permanente depuis 2010. J'ai une carte de séjour pour 10 ans depuis le Brexit. Lorsque j'ai quitté le Royaume-Uni, j'ai emmené ma voiture avec moi et je l'ai fait immatriculer en France. Ma voiture a un volant à droite et je veux l'échanger contre une voiture d'occasion plus récente, mais je ne peux obtenir le meilleur prix d'échange qu'au Royaume-Uni. Si je l'échange contre une voiture d'occasion plus récente et que je reviens en France avec la voiture plus récente, devrai-je payer des droits et des taxes d'importation étant donné que je vis en France et qu'il s'agit de ma voiture personnelle ? Cordialement Garth Arwynck
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 mars 2023

      Oui vous devrez payer les droits de douane et de TVA, car il s'agit d'un achat à l'étranger. L'exonération n'est accordée qu'en cas d'installation en France avec un véhicule qui a une carte grise étrangère déjà votre nom depuis au moins 6 mois.
  • Lisani Atasayan

    18 février 2023

    Hi, I am planning to bring a 2021 car from Germany to France which has CO2 emission between 182-206 g/km. When calculating malus ecologique which emission number is taken into account, min, max or average? Thanks.
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 février 2023

      You have to take into account the WLTP cycle figure.
  • Eugene Wallace

    7 février 2023

    I have a 1999 integrated Hymer motorhome (3200kg) on irish registration plates. owned since feb 2017 vehicle based on Fiat Ducato 2.5 turbo diesel. Power 85 kW. Horsepower 115 hp (114 bhp). What is the likely cost of registering the vehicle in france. how long would it take. I will be living in france 6 months plus from mid april.
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 février 2023

      The price will depend on the features of your vehicle and the region, should be between EUR 500-1000 for individual approval, for the registration itself maybe EUR 200.
  • McPherson, John

    7 février 2023

    Having obtained a partial CoC and qitus fiscal I am about to apply for registration of my UK registered camping car. It is a 2004 model and it’s GVW is 3.5tons. Will I have to pay a weight surcharge?
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 février 2023

      No, weight surcharge can only apply on very recent second hand cars (from 2022).
  • Dave Reynolds

    6 février 2023

    Hi Am about to try to register my two UK vehicle owned for several years. Have moved to France permanently. I can get a Certificat of Conformity for my Aston Martin DB7 Vantage online: but for my Indian Chief (2016) I can't make any progress whatsoever! What can I do.>The bike is almost 100% standard. Help!
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 février 2023

      If the bike is not 100% standard, you won't get a COC, only a certificate of partial conformity. Therefore you'll have to get an individual approval, called "réception à titre isolé" (RTI) in France, at your DREAL or DRIEE if you live in Ile-de-France.
  • William

    23 janvier 2023

    Hi, I have found an old car in the UK. It’s left hand drive and a Renault but registered in the UK. I have a house in France but am resident in the uk. Can I import it into France?
    • Logo Eplaque


      24 janvier 2023

      Yes, you can.
  • Alex

    20 janvier 2023

    Hi! Can you assist with the importing car from Norway? It's outside the EU but in the EEA. Will I pay VAT?
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 janvier 2023

      No, we only offer a car registration service.
  • Patricia

    20 janvier 2023

    I have bought a 1961 fully restored car into France from Northern Ireland and I understood there would be no tax to pay. I have applied for a 1993 PART. They have come back and said that it is under the 6000km rule (it has done 1500km) and they are going to tax it at 5.50%. I have pointed out that the car is 63 years old. Can you advise me as to how to proceed please.
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 janvier 2023

      From a duties point of view a new car is more than 6 months old AND has a mileage above 6,000 km. Therefore this car is considered as new. Any "new" car imported in France is subject to VAT, whether it comes from outside or inside the EU. However, there are special rules regarding vintage cars (5.5% flat fee, included duties and VAT). We have here the very strange case of a "new vintage car" :) Hence this 5.5% tax to pay for this import.
  • Peter Western

    3 janvier 2023

    I see that the french decide what the value of the car is for their VAT and customs slug. There is a marked difference in some uk prices. Do the Duanes look at Uk values or French values when determining the market value?
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 janvier 2023

      They look at the value of the car on the local market, so in France. We guess that they might look at foreign appraisal tools if they cannot find a valuation with their local ressources.
  • David Anderson

    30 décembre 2022

    I am considering buying a cat N damaged car from a friend in the UK and importing the car to france. I am worried that given the price in UK is already so much cheaper and then adding the much lower price for the damaged status, that the french Tax assessment may consider the car "too cheap" and value it accordingly. Is this a possibility?
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 décembre 2022

      Customs have the right to calculate VAT and duties based on market value if the invoice price is considered too low, yes. Just make sure that the damages of the car didn't lead to a "salvage" classification (not sure what the term in the UK is), when an expert must give his green light to confirm a car is not dangerous anymore. Such cars cannot be registered in France.
  • Rosti

    16 décembre 2022

    I am interested in importing my own car from the US to France. It is a 1995 BMW 540i, 6spd, v8 with 200,000 miles on it. We are moving to Gard department. Current value is not substantial and shipping may be more than current value, but as we love the car wondering what the registration and any other costs may be.
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 décembre 2022

      VAT and duties won't be a big deal as they are calculated on market value. Moreover, you won't have to pay those if you officially relocate to France with a car you have been owning for at least 6 months. The main issue is the approval. For US cars it costs a few thousands euros, depending on the model. There is a workaround to avoid that individual approval procedure, which is the vintage registration. But to be eligible the car must be at least 30 years old.
  • Peter Smith

    11 décembre 2022

    I live in France and have a French car that I won't to sell its a Renault Koleos reg Jan 2020 can you recommend the best way to sell it ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      12 décembre 2022

      To get the most money, sell it yourself via online classified ads, for example via La Centrale website.
  • James Martin

    7 décembre 2022

    Hello Joachim, Only me again here with a few more questions. Thank you very much for your answer. Really makes things clearer a bit now. Where will I have to pay the VAT? I guess I will have the car delivered to my home in France without a number plate “registration”, pay the VAT and then get the card grey? Or do I have to do all the above first before importing it/having it delivered in France? Also are there any tax breaks for buying a hybrid rechargeable (Hyundai Tucson) in France if you are buying for a business “auto entrepreneur”?
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 décembre 2022

      You can get the quitus fiscal once the car is in France, I'm not sure if you can "prepay" it while it's being delivered. For sure you'll need that quitus to make the grey card, it has to be request at your "service des impôts des entreprises". You can get a grant, yes, but it depends on many factors. This table, although in French, should help:
  • James Martin

    6 décembre 2022

    Hello, Thank you so much for all this helpful information. I am a resident in France now and planning to buy a brand new Hybrid SUV in Spain as the price seems to be favourable than France. It costs €32000. What kind of costs will I encounter to import and register it? Many thanks in advance.
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 décembre 2022

      You'll just have to pay French VAT (20% - EUR 6,400), the standard car registration taxes will apply (no difference whether it's bought locally or from any EU country). Therefore make sure that the Spanish dealer sells you the vehicle without VAT for export, or at least that you can get back Spanish VAT.
  • Richard Lucioni

    6 décembre 2022

    I am trying to get a quitis fiscal for my Mercedes vito van it appears it might cost more than my can is worth is this possible? Yk60wrc.
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 décembre 2022

      It's hardly conceivable, since VAT is calculated based on the actual value of the car.
  • Scott

    2 décembre 2022

    I am buying a used Pick-Up from a car dealer in France. The car was originally registered in Romania. Will I be subject to the emissions tax and weight surcharge tax?
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 décembre 2022

      Yes. The calculation method is however specific: it is based on the rate that was applied when the car was first registered abroad. On top of that, you deduct 10% of that rate for each started year. Let's say the pick-up was registered in Jan 2018 in Romania, you'll take the "malus ecologique" rates in force in 2018, calculate the price based on the car emissions, then deduct 50% (10% per year that started).
  • denis thompson

    1 décembre 2022

    I bought my car in England , 13 years old , 136 HP , 219g / co2 , I live in the Charente region , please how much is my Carte Grise ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      1 décembre 2022

      According to the data provided, car registration taxes would cost € 218.76.
  • denis thompson

    1 décembre 2022

    I live in Charente region , HP of my car is 136 and is 13 years old ( 2009 emission is 219g / co2 , can you please calculate cost of my Carte Grise
    • Logo Eplaque


      1 décembre 2022

      Do you want to register a second hand car bought in France, or from the UK?
  • Peter

    9 novembre 2022

    If i buy a used 30,000 mercedes w 50,000 km from an individual in France or Germany and im a permanent resident of France (own home) etc is there ant VAT to pay? Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 novembre 2022

      No, VAT is due on used cars only if: a) the car is imported from a country outside of EU; b) if a car imported from the EU has a mileage under 6,000 km OR is less than 6 months old.
  • David

    27 octobre 2022

    Concernant le malus au poids. Est-ce-que payable sur tous importations ou que les véhicule de non- UE pays? Je veut acheter une camionnette en Nederland
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 octobre 2022

      Le malus au poids n'existe que depuis 2022. Il est donc éventuellement redevable pour les véhicules importés dont la première immatriculation date de cette année. Les véhicules d'avant 2022 ne sont pas concernés.
  • Dux

    26 octobre 2022

    Bonjour. I am trying to request a temporary plate WW for a US import. The website is asking for Contrôle technique de moins de 6 mois et réalisé dans l'UE. Controle technique is not available for a US import at this temporary stage. How do I proceed? Thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 octobre 2022

      You can go to a "centre de contrôle technique" with the US registration certificate and try to pass the test.
  • Bibin Mathew

    16 octobre 2022

    Hello, I would like to get some advice and possibly your help to register a vehicle in France. When I looked, there are vehicles I like in Italy and Germany. Is it expensive to register if the vehicle is less than 3 years old, power between 130 to 160 HP, Gas emmission between 130 to 140 and I live in the Bourges (18) region of France. Thank you and appreciate your help. Bibin Mathew.
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 octobre 2022

      When registering an imported second hand car, you'll have to pay an "ecological tax" based on C02 emissions. The younger the car and the more CO2, the more expensive. For example, for a 2019 car emitting 140 gr of CO2 (NEDC), this tax will cost EUR 414. The total price of the carte grise will be around EUR 800. If you find the same model in France, you won't have to pay those EUR 414.
  • Amad Ali Sheikh

    5 octobre 2022

    Hi, I want to export a Electriccar from norway to france. Do we have to pay taxes on that. Are Norway included in Eu? The car worth is around 3000-5000euro. Thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 octobre 2022

      Duties and VAT are paid in the import country. From Norway they are applicable in France, unless the owner moves to France with his own vehicle to settle in the country.
  • John Jackson

    13 septembre 2022

    I moved to France over 10 years ago and bought a UK car over in 2018 to use here in France, I would like to French register the car, but would I have to pay import duty and VAT
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 septembre 2022

      If our memory doesn't fail, you won't have to pay according to what one reader told us, but we are not sure. Better to double check with customs beforehand.
  • Subhani

    9 septembre 2022

    Can you please tell me if i purchase car from belgium 2018 audi A5 sports back registred in belgium what will i pay in france to register in france
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 septembre 2022

      That's what the article is about, please consult it to find out about the costs.
  • Debbie Conti

    9 août 2022

    I have just moved from Spain to department 36. How much please to register my 2016 fiat 500 1200l?
  • Ian Rooke

    1 août 2022

    My father in-law is selling his french registered 2006 3.0 v6 Mercedes Viano could you kindly tell me the cost of registration change we have a french property the van will remain there but live in the uk
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 août 2022

      It depends on the fiscal power, the region... Kindly use the simulator linked in the article to find out.
  • Sam Peterson

    20 juillet 2022

    Hi I own a BMW 520d se auto 2017. Purchased in U.K. And reregistered while living in Spain. Due to brexit and my French partner I. Have received French permanent residency. What cost can I expect to reregister the car in France if I use your service. Thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 juillet 2022

      Our fee is EUR 50. On top of that, you'll have to pay registration taxes, to be calculated with the tool we mentioned (based on the specs of your car).
  • C Harrison

    19 juillet 2022

    1 am trying to evaluate whether it is worth bringing my uk car to France. It is a 2017 Nissan Juke tekna - current uk value of between £7500 - £8500 - please advise what import taxes and vat would now apply. I have French residency.
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 juillet 2022

      If you don't transfer your residency to France in the process, you'll have to pay 30% on market values in duties and VAT. On top, you'll have to pay the individual approval procedure, probably +1000 EUR. You'll have to pay a "bonus écologique", that wouldn't apply on a French second hand car. It's probably better to sell in the UK and buy one in France.
  • Jim Lewis

    8 juillet 2022

    I have moved to France from the UK and brought my 2006 Mitsubishi Delica (7 seat MPV). How do I find out whether this vehicle has the European Conformity Certificate? How much would it cost for me/an agent to register etc. this vehicle?
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 juillet 2022

      Any vehicle from the UK must go to the DREAL for an RTI. Ask the COC to Mitsubishi, and you will know whether it's available or not. The fee for the registration itself is EUR 50, then the price of the carte grise will depend on the fiscal power of the car.
  • Shweta

    5 juillet 2022

    I want to buy a new mini cooper in germany since i am getting it cheaper, and i live in France, Since i pay the tax in germany and its in EU, Will i be exempted from paying tax in france ? OR how much i would i need to pay extra
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 juillet 2022

      You will have to pay the VAT in France. It will be deducted in Germany, or you should be able to get it back.
  • Peter

    3 juillet 2022

    Thinking about buying from Norway a used 2018 Tesla model S 75D for 35,000 euro and bringing it to Antibes France, where we live. Moved here from the US permanently and could have brought our car but heard it was too costly and impossible to register. Any idea of the cost to bring/register an EU approved from Norway 2018 used Tesla Model S 75D. Thank you very much.
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 juillet 2022

      The problem with Norway is that it's outside the EU. You'll have to go through more or less the same hassle (vs bringing yours) if you register this car (pay 30% of duties and VAT, individual approval procedure). It would be better to find such vehicle in Germany, etc.
  • Michel Claesen

    29 mai 2022

    Would you be so kind to inform me how much would it be to register a brand new Porsche Macan S 2022 V6 Petrol (GCC specifications)?
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 mai 2022

      Apparently this car in sold in UAE, without French specs we cannot check in a decent amount of time, sorry.

    6 mai 2022

    for car registration costs calculation as in your examples, are there additional fees e.g. by Carte Grise
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 mai 2022

      Those are the fees to be paid to the tax office, we collect them on their behalf. If you use our services, there will be an additional fee, EUR 30 for registering a French car, for example.
  • David Mailer

    6 mai 2022

    dear sir please can you advise what will this car cost me to get it French registered merc c220 cdi v6 2195 cc 2004 estate avantgde se a uk registered w 203 variant auto CO2 Emission1 175 g/km (comb.) Emission Class Euro 4 Emission Label 4 (Green) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Diesel (Particulate Filter) Consumption1 6.6 l/100 km (comb.) 9.3 l/100 km (city) 5.6 l/100 km (country) regards David C J Mailer reply to: 00447966828795 tel end........
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 mai 2022

      We don't have all the info required to calculate it accurately, but it will be around EUR 220-240 if you live in Paris + homologation costs.
  • Tangen

    9 mars 2022

    we are a couple who are moving from norway to france and want to export our own car to france. What do we do and what does it cost?
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 mars 2022

      You'll find all the information you need, included a link to calculate the registration tax amount, in this article about registering an imported car. Since you relocate you'll probably won't have to pay import duties and VAT, which is a big saving.
  • Vivian

    16 février 2022

    I have a 2007 Land Rover discovery. It has 190 engine power and 270 CO2 emissions. If I were to bring it over with me when I move to France. how much would it cost me to where I live in France - Charente
  • Max

    31 janvier 2022

    Hello , i have a Mercedes CLS from 2013, bought in UK and Since i moved to France and it looks like i will become a resident soon how much i will have to pay to register it, i am trying to find somewhere where i can calculate the amount i have to pay for it so i can put french plates on.Thank you.
    • Logo Eplaque


      31 janvier 2022

      It depends on many criterias. You can use the official tool (in google translate) to calculate registration costs. It does not include homologation costs and other fees (see this article)
  • Maria Daferera

    8 janvier 2022

    Hello, I have a Mercedes Sprinter from 1996 (!) that runs on gasoline and I want to convert to LPG and also take a mobile home permit where I live now (NL) before I move to France. Now it s a professional car. I work in France now but still online. I didn't read anything on your article about vans used for this purpose. Will I encounter any difficulties because of the age of the car?? It is euro1! Or because of the modifications?( roof window, bed kitchen toilet etc) it is Euro 1! Also, do you have any idea if there is a way to prove I am only using LPG and thus get a greener emissions sticker? Thank you so much in advance!
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 janvier 2022

      Modifications leading to an individual vehicle approval (IVA) made abroad will have to be made again in France, as foreign IVAs are not accepted. This process will define the right fuel type, so you will get the appropriate Critair sticker once the vehicle is registered.
  • Ian Adamson

    29 décembre 2021

    Hi, I have a house in Les Essards, France. I will be moving to live in France in May 2022. I want to bring my Ford Transit van which is a 2020 van. I bought it over 6 months ago and paid VAT on it. The total cost was about £28,000 including VAT @ 20%. What costs will I have to pay to customs/import tax? I can't seem to find anybody who can answer my question online. I need to know as it will determine whether or not I bring my Ford Transit Custom with me when I move to France next year. Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 décembre 2021

      You will have to pay 20% VAT and 10% import duties. If it was a private car, you would be exempted since you come to settle in France. However, this exemption is not valid for vans. Cost wise and to avoid red tape, it might be a better idea to sell the vehicle in the UK and buy a similar model in France. Because on top of that, you will have to pay extra to get the IAC.

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