How to import a classic car in France?

Logo Eplaque

- 4 min de lecture ⏳

Le - Mis à jour le 23/08/2023

Car registration in France can be confusing, even for locals. If it’s true for standard procedure, it’s natural to be lost when trying to import a classic car in France. Are you in such a position?  Do not worry! Eplaque, your French car registration expert in English, explains everything you need to know about importing a vintage car in France, and registering it!

Classic car: French criteria

Before going into the details, let’s define clearly what a classic car is according to French law. It is:

  • A vehicle that is at least 30 years old (first registration)
  • A car that is not produced anymore
  • Finally, a car that is in its original state (no heavy modifications, such as a modern engine under the hood)

When a vehicle fulfills those 3 conditions, it is eligible to a classic car registration certificate.

Classic car registration: definition

In France, classic cars don’t get a special car registration certificate as such. They simply get an additional mention, “collection”, visible in the Z field of the “carte grise”. However, this word make a huge difference, since such vehicles enjoy many perks:

  • Exemption of rules regarding low emission zones (Paris, Lyons, Marseilles…)
  • MOT every 5 years, instead of 2 (even total exemptions for vehicles < 1960)
  • Such vehicles can use vintage plates (black background)
  • VAT and duties: 5.5% instead of 30%
  • No need for an individual approval (RTI) to be registered

Importing a classic car to France and registering it: how-to

Now that we have clarified those important topics, let’s go to the heart of the matter: how to import a classic car in France, then register it. The procedure depends on the country of origin from a fiscal point of view.

How to import a classic car in France from the EU?

When a vintage vehicle is imported from a country part of the EU, there is no need to go through French customs. You simply need a “quitus fiscal”. It is a special certificate provided by the tax authorities that ensures that the VAT is paid. In the context of a car imported from the EU, it is only due when a vehicle is considered as new (older than 6 months & mileage higher than 6,000 km). In principle, vintage cars don’t fall in such a category. We had, however, a reader who explained he had to pay VAT because his vintage car had less than 6,000 km… It’s the exception that confirms the rule.

Where to get your quitus fiscal? Contact your “service des impôts des entreprises” (SIE), you can find yours thanks to this resource. Application methods vary per office (online, in person, by mail).

Import a classic car to France from outside the UE (UK, US, etc.)?

If your classic car comes from a country not belonging to the European union, you’ll need a 846A certificate from the French customs. That means that you will have to pay VAT and duties. There is however good news: instead of paying 30%, you’ll pay 5,5% on the value of the vintage car. Moreover, if you import a classic car in France in the process of moving in to take permanent residency in the country, those will be completely waived. You must get this 846A certificate in the days following the arrival of the classic car in France.

How to get the “classic car” classification on the carte grise?

In order to get the “mention collection”, you must provide a certificate that proves that the car is eligible to that status. It is called an “attestation de datation et de caractéristiques”. You have 2 options to get yours:

  • From the manufacturer, if it still exists, and in France (mostly for local brands such as Citroen, Renault, Peugeot…)
  • From the FFVE (Fédération française des véhicules d’époque): it costs EUR 60

Applications are to be sent by mail. You’ll find the application form and the instructions on the FFVE website. They are working on an online request tool, but in January 2023 it was still not available for individuals (beta test ongoing). It should be before the end of the year.

Classic car import: what about the certificate of conformity?

There is no available European certificate of conformity for vintage cars, since that document appeared in the end of the nineties. The general rule is that such s vehicle should get an individual approval (called RTI) to be registered. However, most vintage cars don’t need it thanks to the attestation de datation et de caractéristiques.

How to register an imported classic car in France?

Once you have the quitus fiscal or 846A certificate, you are almost good to go to register your imported classic car in France. Here are the standard documents one should provide when registering a car in France:

  • Original car registration certificate or alternative official document that identifies the car
  • Driving licence
  • Proof of address
  • Proof of identity
  • Technical inspection/MOT (not older than 6 months)
  • Proof of insurance
  • Registration certificate form duly filled

A problem ? Eplaque will assist you!

We are an approved French car registration company since 2009. We provide a fast and efficient car registration service to locals and foreigners alike. We can handle your request in English to facilitate the issuance of your classic car registration in France. Please note, however, that we cannot help you with the steps regarding the quitus fiscal or the 846A.

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Les questions des utilisateurs

  • Alan Bird

    2 mars 2025

    Sorry more questions. Will the english MOT be sufficient for reg. in france or will i need a french CT.
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 mars 2025

      Since Brexit an English MOT is not valid anymore, you need a French CT.
  • Bristow Alan

    2 janvier 2025

    I’m looking at importing and registering my 45 year old Pontiac into France from U.K. as I’m a French resident. I have lived in France for 4 years. I know I can’t do it without paying import tax. I’m going though the FFVE My question who puts a value on my car to pay the 5.5 % I have the original bill of sale when I purchased the car I only paid 5k for it at the time. I have done a lot of work myself on the car so it’s probably worth more now than when I purchased it. Who decides the valuation at present time or is it on the original price I paid. Thank you.
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 janvier 2025

      Customs will determine the market value. It's usually done through ressources like the Argus (the French Glass's Guide), however given the nature of your vehicle they might request an appraisal.
  • gerasimos stathatos

    4 décembre 2024

    Hello. I wish to pay the VAT of a classic car imported from the UK in france and benefit from the 5.5%. Then the car will travel and be registered in Greece as an EU Historic Vehicle. Please inform on the paperwork needed and does the car have to actually be there for that procedure?
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 décembre 2024

      Quite frankly we don't know if you can avail this reduced rate if you re-export the car directly to Greece. We would double check with French and Greek customs first.
  • Paul Aldridge

    28 octobre 2024

    Hi my name is Paul lve had my English classic car driven over from England and intend on getting it on french plates I understand lve to get an 846a form where can l obtain this from please and may well need further assistance can your company help the car is o CV er 30years old so a coc is unavailable !!
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 octobre 2024

      You have to go to any customs office (turquoise icons on the following map): About the COC, the easiest way to solve that is getting an "attestation de datation et de caractéristiques" from It can replace the COC, and the car will be eligible to the special "classic" classification (MOT every 5 years instead of 2, LEZ rules exemption, etc.).
  • Yaniv rottenberg

    21 octobre 2024

    My classic car just arrived to le havre and i would like to have your help with rrgistering it. Please contact me by email
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 octobre 2024

      Will you gather all the paperwork? Because we cannot assist you in that process, we only deal with the registration itself.
  • Bradley Allen

    19 octobre 2024

    Hello, I want to buy a classic replica D type jaguar, it currently has belgium paperwork, can it be registered in France ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 octobre 2024

      As a rule of thumb if a car is registered in the EU, it should be possible to register it in France. However, since it's a replica there might be specific rules that apply. It would therefore be best to double check with your DREAL or with someone who has a good understanding of those types of cars.

    18 septembre 2024

    Bonjour, je cherche à obtenir une carte grise pour ma Triumph TR6 de 1975 importée d'Angleterre. Les autorités exigent un COC, mais vous indiquez que celui-ci n'est apparu qu'à la fin des années quatre-vingt-dix. La voiture n'est plus fabriquée, j'ai un certificat FFVE et un British Motor Industry Heritage Trust Certificate. Les autorités font-elles de l'obstruction et si ce n'est pas le cas, puis-je obtenir ce qu'elles demandent ? Je vous remercie par avance.
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 septembre 2024

      Le certificat FFVE peut se substituer au COC. Donc si vous l'avez, vous pouvez immatriculer sans devoir faire une réception à titre isolé (individual approval).
  • Julius Weidema

    18 septembre 2024

    Hello, I'm from the Netherlands and I have an Audi 80 from 1993 originally built with a 2L petrol engine making 66kW. The car now has a 4.2L TDI engine from an Audi A8 from 2007. The car had an MOT check last week and the engine is officially registered to the car at RDW, so the cars official registration card reads; Audi 80 B4 01-10-1993 4130 cm3 260kW. Is it possible to get this car on a french license plate, as I am living in north of France?
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 septembre 2024

      In France, classic car status implies that the car has not been modified in the last 30 years. Since it has a 2007 engine, it is clearly not eligible, unfortunately. You can however register it as a standard car.
  • Robert Alan Doyle

    12 septembre 2024

    Hello . I own a house in France but I am not a resident of France. I own a Ferrari 328 GTS from 1987 on English number plates and I want to put it on French number plates and pay 5.5 percent in taxes. Can you help me with that ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 septembre 2024

      We can assist you with the registration process, however we don't offer services related to customs or gathering the required paperwork.
  • Alan Bird

    10 septembre 2024

    Hello, I am thinking of buying an english registered classic car which is in France already, Brought over by a second home owner , He brought it here a few years ago, so the English MOT has expired. Does the car need to be taken back to UK for a new mot before it can be registed in france as Veh. de Collection???? Thank you Alan Bird
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 septembre 2024

      No. A French MOT is required anyway for registration since Brexit, so that will do. However, the car will have to go through customs; 6.5% VAT and duties will have to be paid (reduced rate for classic cars).
  • Lise

    26 août 2024

    Bonjour, I would like to bring my 1981 Mercedes diesel wagon (300TD) with me when I relocate to France. I know it's probably "not worth the money" to others, but for me, it's sentimental and important. I believe it would fall into the category of "classic car" without a problem, but it's not mint condition, but it's a daily driver. I love my car, and for a 300TD, it's a relative baby given the fact that they often run to 500K sans problem. Would the less-than-mint condition be an issue or are there things I must do before leaving the US to make it possible? Any help is appreciated.
    • Logo Eplaque


      26 août 2024

      As long as this vehicle passes the technical inspection, it is eligible for the classic car status, provided it meets 3 conditions: it must be over 30 years old, unmodified, and no longer in production. However, such a classification restricts professional use; for example, you are not supposed to use it for daily commuting. You can still register it as a normal car if needed, but the process will be more complex and expensive (individual approval).
    • Lise

      28 août 2024

      Merci! I would only use it for the random trip. Do you have a link to the technical inspections it would be required to pass? Also, if I were to ship it but not drive it until it met inspection, would that be allowed? I'd really hate to leave my car. Also, does your company assist with this type of thing?
      • Logo Eplaque


        29 août 2024

        You have to pass a standard MOT test in any inspection center. You can drive it 1 month with its foreign plates (if insured etc.), then you could drive with a temporary WW registration. For that you need to pay custom fees and have a French MOT (FFVE certificate is not required at this stage). We just provide a service to register the car online, we are not in a position to help with customs or for getting paperwork.
  • Colin Wills

    24 août 2024

    hello I have a 1942 GPW Jeep. The jeep came to me from Canada and for the last 2 years I have restored it. I would like to register the car in France to keep it at our home in Megeve. what do I need to do and can you do this for me.
    • Logo Eplaque


      26 août 2024

      Hello, the procedure is explained in detail on this page. We can assist for the registration itself only, once you gather all the paperwork mentioned in the article.
  • Mel Alcock

    20 août 2024

    Hi there, I have a UK registered unmodified Nov 1995 Porsche C4S which I want to import to France. I (UK National) am currently not a French Resident, my wife has dual passports (UK/Irish). We own a house outright in France. When and how is the most economical time to import the vehicle. What do we need to put in place prior to taking the car to France and when can we take it to France to start the process ? If successful, can we apply for a "black plate" ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 août 2024

      Your car will be eligible to the special classic registration in November. Unfortunately you cannot request the certificate before it reaches its 30th anniversary. It's therefore best to wait a bit. Moreover, it has to be 30 years to be eligible to reduced import and VAT rate (6.5 instead of 30%). Once the car is in France in November or December, you can get a temporary WW registration without approval, valid for 4 months. Request your "dating and characteristics certificate" then. Once you have it, you can apply for your permanent registration as "collection", if you got your certificate it's easy (no need for COC or individual approval). Once you get the title, you can fix black plates on the car.
  • Steve Browning

    22 juillet 2024

    Hello. I'm considering buying a UK-registered 1970s Renault (fully restored, no modifications) in the UK, then importing it to France (where I have a house but don't live permanently) and re-registering it there as a 'collection' vehicle. I understand that I would have to pay 5.5% VAT in France on the value of the car but I'm not clear whether or not there would be any French customs duty to pay. Are you able to clarify this point, please?
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 juillet 2024

      Those 5.5% include both VAT and duties, that's what classic car pays instead of 30% (20 VAT and 10 duties).
  • Suzie Vacher

    3 juillet 2024

    Hello, I have just sent all the documents to change the carte grise of a Renault 4CV 1958 into my name. They have emailed back saying ... Since 2009, the conversion of Gray Cards to the old format (known as FNI) to the new format (known as SIV) has been compulsory. The conversion occurs as soon as the owner carries out a procedure linked to the Carte Grise. You have contacted our services. Following submission of your file to the Vehicle Registration System (SIV), the information present on the Registration Card in the old format (known as FNI) is not convertible to the new format (known as SIV). Where do I go from here? Suzie vacher
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 juillet 2024

      Well, they have to elaborate on why it is not convertible, there must be a way to do it. We suspect that some mandatory data is missing. In that case, you would need a special certificate from Renault (see or from the FFVE ( to solve the issue.
  • Philip Esposito

    29 juin 2024

    Bonjour, I've lived in France for almost 15 years and want to import my old 1937 Austin 7 car that my father has been using in my absence. I have read and am aware of the various legalities, and there's no problem there...however...the car's existing UK registration number is what we know in UK as a 'cherished number', is as old as the car (87 years), and would seriously devalue the vehicle if it were to be replaced by a French numberplate. I had read somewhere that such very old vehicles could be registered in France with their old and original numberplate, despite the fact that it would be a UK set of numbers. Cab you help please? Many thanks and regards, However
    • Logo Eplaque


      1 juillet 2024

      This info might be another ChatGPT fail :). In France we don't even have private number plates, therefore the process that you describe is impossible. Even French old-timers cannot keep their original number in case there is a change of ownership, or even if the owner moves to another address. Everybody gets to drive with the same number plate format.
  • Sim

    14 juin 2024

    Bonjour I feel I know the answer to this but if you could give me the benefit of your knowledge it would be most appreciated. I'm resident in France for 3 years now. I have a toyota hilux 4x4 pick-up 1992 in the uk, originally built as a diesel. It has a popular conversion of the time of a rover 3500 engine and runs on LPG. It was a purpose manufactured adaptor kit, made by Milner Conversions, at that time (their name is cast into the parts). The conversion was not made in the 90's, only being finally registered with DVLA in the last few years. Am I right in thinking there is no way that this can be imported as a classic vehicle? (and assuming this is so, is there also no way I can legally drive this vehicle here, even for a few months a year, as I am a resident?) Thank you for any information, Regards Sim
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 juin 2024

      Yes it's not eligible, only modifications dully approved more than 30 years ago can be eligible. And this is for conversions made in France, we are not even sure they would be able to take into account foreign individual approvals.
  • Andrew Jaggs

    11 juin 2024

    Bonjour, I am about to import a classic car from the UK. It is a 1971 Triumph TR6, made in the UK, sold in California USA, but reimported to the UK in 2010 with all documentation. It is the lower powered USA specification with carburettors not fuel injection. It is left hand drive so very suitable for use in France. It is in original condition with no modifications. I see no problems to import it for my personal use in Herault, France, where I have been living permanently for 23 years. Please confirm that all this sounds OK to you and that you can help to secure the registration document as a Voiture de Collection. Merci
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 juin 2024

      No issue indeed if you follow the right procedure, which is getting a 846A certificate from the customs and the FFVE certificate to be eligible to the "classic registration" (collection), and avoid the individual approval hassle.
  • Peter Enderby

    5 juin 2024

    Good Morning,I am purchasing a Citroen 2CV Dyane 6 from Spain and was wanting to use it as our car in Barenton,Normandy. It was registered in France in 1975 and spent most of its life in France until 2015,when it was taken to Spain. It is in beautiful original condition and covered only 41800Km. We have a house in Normandy but are not permanently based there as yet. Can we still bring the car home and get it registered in France? Thank you Peter Bonjour, j'achète une Citroën 2CV Dyane 6 d'Espagne et je voulais l'utiliser comme voiture à Barenton, en Normandie. Elle a été immatriculée en France en 1975 et a passé la majeure partie de sa vie en France jusqu'en 2015, date à laquelle elle a été emmenée en Espagne. Elle est dans un bel état d'origine et n'a parcouru que 41 800 km. Nous avons une maison en Normandie mais nous n'y sommes pas encore installés de manière permanente. Pouvons-nous toujours ramener la voiture à la maison et la faire immatriculer comme voiture de collection en France ? Merci Peter
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 juin 2024

      Non residents can register a car if they can provide a proof of address in France, therefore you can do it, since you own a vacation home in France.
    • Peter

      12 juin 2024

      Thank you so much.
  • Viveca Hulley

    6 mars 2024

    We have a Mx5 eunos 1991 We brought it into France a few years before Brexit It was used here and then stored in a barn for a few years Last year it passed Ct current and is insured We really want it to be French registers But can’t follow the paperwork involved Could u help us We have all the necessary paperwork We understand
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 mars 2024

      Every required document is mentioned in the article. Unfortunately, our services don't include the procurement of those documents, we just process registrations.
  • Kevin Roach

    6 mars 2024

    How much does it cost to provide this service to register my 1985 mini cooper replica in france. 40 years old
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 mars 2024

      We do not offer such service (only registration), so we cannot really tell.
  • Chris

    7 février 2024

    Hi, I have a Lotus M 100 elan ‘92 It is registered in the UK, still with UK plates but kept in France from just before Brexit. I bought it in the UK around 20 years ago. Like most Lotus’s it has gone through a series of faults, parts are expensive and difficult to source. Periodically it has been in pieces over a few years and I still have to fix the brakes. Can I register the car in France or put it on trailer, return it to the UK, get it fixed there and then import the car correctly back into France. I have considered breaking the car but it is fundamentally OK
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 février 2024

      To be registered it in France, it must pass MOT. If you cannot fix it here, you'll have to do what your described.
    • Chris

      8 février 2024

      Thanks for your reply, it is much appreciated. Are there any French restrictions on trailering the car back to the Uk ?
      • Logo Eplaque


        9 février 2024

        For that trip, no, since the car simply "goes home".
  • Jack

    5 février 2024

    Hi I want to import my UK car into France. Do I have to pay import tax and customs as soon as I hit the boarder? Or can I pay it a few months later?
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 février 2024

      Not at the border, but if you want to register it you have to do it in the following days, otherwise penalties might apply.
  • Oliver Fenton

    1 février 2024

    I have a Triumph TR3A, registered in 1959 and owned by me since 1969. It has been fully restored by me to original condition and is valued at about £30,000. We have a house in France (since 2003) near Angouleme and I would like to import my TR to France to stay permanently at our house there (we have a large garage) because the roads around there are so much better than in the UK. What do I need to do? We spend as much time in France as Brexit allows - we count our French house as our main house..
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 février 2024

      It is explained in detail on this page. If you have specific questions, we'll be happy to answer them.
  • Michael

    1 février 2024

    Bon Jour! I’m planning to retire (relocate) to France sometime next year and would like to bring along a restored 1967 Mustang convertible register and keep as a classic car in France. However, can someone please clarify what is meant by “no heavy modifications”? I assume things like modern tires, shocks, and paint are ok. However, is a replacement engine of similar design, still carbureted (no modern fuel injection, for instance) allowed? Is a replacement transmission but now with overdrive ok? Is an upgrade from drum brakes to disk brakes allowed if there was an option when the car was new? Obviously a great many possibilities exist and most maintenance brings along some newer technology. I’m restoring the car now so obviously wish to avoid getting it all the way to France and being denied the ability to import it. Best Regards, Michael
    • Logo Eplaque


      1 février 2024

      Here is what the FFVE FAQ says: Notable transformations are those which contravene its characteristics: engine of a different model, different brakes, different bodywork, etc. On the other hand, changing the original color of the vehicle or replacing the engine with an identical engine is not a significant transformation. Bodywork : must be identical to that mentioned on the registration document. A sedan (Sedan for example) cannot be transformed into a convertible. Type of fuel: A change in fuel type is a notable modification. To be accepted into the collection, the modification must have been accepted more than 30 years ago (for example, a Jeep or Dodge with a gasoline engine transformed with a diesel engine at the time). Number of seats : It is not authorized to modify the number of places registered on the registration document unless an error is corrected with proof of the original state. Before making a move, we suggest you liaise with the "FFVE", since they are the ones who decide:
  • Fernando

    5 janvier 2024

    I have a 1998 Grand Cherokee ZZ in Brazil. What is the estimation cost to import my car to France?
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 janvier 2024

      That's a very complex matter. On top of shipping, you'll have to pay a couple of thousand euros, mainly in approval costs. See
  • Andrew West

    29 novembre 2023

    Hello. I have a 1990 Caterham 7 that was sold as a part built car from new by the factory, minus an engine which was acquired one year later as can be seen from first registration. I bought the car in need of restoration in June 2023. It is now at my address in france and I have just received the V5C uk registration document as the previous owner had lost it. How do I go about registering thus car? It is on a Q plate, is that a problem?
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 novembre 2023

      Unfortunately we have never faced such case. We understand that Q plates convey an issue with the vehicle. That said issue might be a show stopper. You will probably have to try your luck to get the answer.
  • Laure

    21 novembre 2023

    Hello, Could you confirm that all these requirements are the same if we import the vehicule to Monaco? not France.
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 novembre 2023

      You mean "import from Monaco"? If that's the case, it's slightly different (and easier). You need a special document from Monaco called "Certificat pour l’obtention de la carte grise en France" (certificate for registration in France) instead of requesting a "quitus" in France. More details (in French) on
  • Kerris Humood

    19 novembre 2023

    We are shipping in a 1991 Castleton caravan from uk to France where we live what must I do to get full registration as a vintage classical Kerris
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 novembre 2023

      You should request an "attestation de datation et de caractéristiques" to the FFVE. Once you have it, you can start the normal registration process, the procedure is the same.
  • P Aldridge

    9 novembre 2023

    Hi I've a triumph dolomite sprint and intend driving it over from England to my house in France I'm newly resident in France now the car is forty years old and completely restored what paperwork do l need for customs to avoid any problems at said ferry custom,s
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 novembre 2023

      You only need the usual paperwork you must carry to drive legally (I assume the title is already on your name).
  • Colin Barthelmy

    20 octobre 2023

    I brought my Mercedes SL350 1979 classic car from the U.K. in 2022 to be finally restored, I now need to register in France. Before I commit I need to understand if I have to pay the 5.5% duty as it was part of our relocation package although we had moved to France end 2021. Also, the fact that it wasn’t competed but drivable as we drove it over. Is there a penalty as it’s been here off road for over 12 months
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 octobre 2023

      To be exempted you have to import the car shortly after you move, I believe it is 6 months max. Customs might charge a penalty indeed, a reader told us he had to pay extra a few weeks ago.
  • Jonathan Harrison

    8 octobre 2023

    Bonjour, comment est-ce qu'on calcule la valeur d'une voiture classique pour calculer le TVA et les charges de douanes a l'importation SVP?
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 octobre 2023

      C'est la valeur de marché qui est utilisée. Pour les véhicules d'occasion, en l'absence de facture les douaniers utilisent des outils comme la cote Argus.
  • Alaric Perry

    1 octobre 2023

    I am about to import a 1978 Rolls Silver Shadow, I know I shall have to pay 5.5% of its cost in VAT upon entry, but what other charges will I have to pay to register it here in France. I am a permanent tax paying resident in France. Thankyou.
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 octobre 2023

      If you register it with vintage status (mention "collection"), you'll have to pay around EUR 60 to get the "attestation de datation et de caractéristiques". Otherwise you'll need an individual approval, I'm not sure about the costs, but it's way more than EUR 60. The price of the car registration itself will depend on its fiscal power and your region, it should be a couple of hundreds.
  • Patrick

    13 septembre 2023

    Hi, I've a classic circuit car ( 1965) which I want to bring to France, where I have a house. So it doesn't require imatriculation. How do I get importation acceptance.i assume I will pay 5.5% TVA.
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 septembre 2023

      I'm not quite sure how it will work since the vehicle is unregistered. I believe that customs rely on the log book to determine the age of the car. Therefore, I suggest you ask them the question directly.
  • Bishop

    9 septembre 2023

    I have been asked for 783 euros for my car registration English to French the car is an Audi A3 S Line TFSI Quattro Petrol 1798cc I am pretty surprised at the price? I live in the Charente and sent all the correct forms to register the car. Can you tell me if the price is correct
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 septembre 2023

      Is it an imported car not older than a couple of years? If yes this seems plausible, because an environmental tax is due for imported second hand cars.
  • Tim

    8 septembre 2023

    Hello, I have a 1978 BMW R80 motorbike originally from the UK. It was imported to Hong Kong in 2018. Now I would like to take it to Lyon. There is no modification to the engine, but there are some bigger cosmetic modifications, with the seat in particular. In your experience, would it qualify for import? Thank you!
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 septembre 2023

      For import there shouldn't be any problem, you'll need an individual approval to register it. It might not be eligible to the classic car status ("collection") due to the mods, which would be pity because if it was eligible, you wouldn't need individual approval at all, among other benefits attached to such status. The FFVE is the entity that provides with the certificate that grants that status ("attestation de datation et de caractéristiques").
    • Zane

      31 janvier 2024

      What is the difference on the import of classic bikes vs classic cars? Are all the administrative forms the same i.e., 846A certificate from the French customs or are there different forms for a motorbike
      • Logo Eplaque


        1 février 2024

        It's exactly the same paperwork wise.
  • Colin Bishop

    4 septembre 2023

    I have a 1980 Porsche 924 Turbo which I brought to France from UK in April, and stored since. I have the 846a customs form and letters from the manufacturer confirming its original. Do I need a control technic considering it’s age? Could you help
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 septembre 2023

      You will need a MOT (not older than 6 months) to register the car. In order to benefit from the vintage status (collection), we suggest that you get an "attestation de datation et de caractéristiques" from the FFVE. Not only this will give you a lot of benefits (no restrictions in LEZ, MOT every 5 years instead of 2...), but it will save you the costs and hassle of an individual approval (RTI). We can submit the car registration request for you once you have gathered all the paperwork, but beside providing guidance on what to do, we cannot actively assist you during that phase.
  • Laurence Hilton-Ash

    27 août 2023

    Hi Please help me register my recently imported classic car (US to France) . I respond to emails promptly. Regards
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 août 2023

      Click on the blue button!
  • Paul Niwano

    21 août 2023

    Hi there We are considering purchasing a UK registered 1960 Porsche 356 Roadster convertible. We are French fiscal residents and plan to keep the car in a garage in the south of France. Are you able to help us with this? And if so, how much do your services cost? We plan to do the occasional rally and 'Sunday afternoon drive' with the car but it will not be used on a 'day to day basis. The car is valued at between 100-120,000 Pounds Sterling. Kind regards. PAUL NIWANO.
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 août 2023

      We can help with the registration itself (fee is EUR 68.9, plus taxes due to the state), but we don't assist in gathering the paperwork, such as the 846A certificate or the FFVE certificate for getting the vintage status.
  • Michael Williams

    6 août 2023

    I'm planning to move to France and bring with me two old-timers. One is a Belgian-made 1965 2cv but with a larger and newer 2cv engine (435 vs 602cc). The engine and transmission are from the late 80's. Does this disqualify it for collection status? Is there another route to import?
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 août 2023

      Modified vehicles are in principle not eligible, unless the modification was made more than 30 years ago. You would have to contact the FFVE to check if your 2CV is eligible. You can, of course, import it as a standard car, however it will be more complicated as you will need an individual approval.

    5 août 2023

    • Logo Eplaque


      7 août 2023

      The price will depend on the fiscal power and the region. When you sell it, the new owner will have to pay again.
  • Ron Wales

    3 août 2023

    Hi, I imported a Dodge Ram 7 seater from the U.K. Is was built in Canada in 2000 as a van, converted to a 7 seater in California for immediate export to Japan. Then, after 20 years, was imported to U.K. I got the van homologation through a company in Caen. On pick up I was told that the vehicle had been passed with no issues. When I received the carte grise 2 weeks later I found my vehicle had been classed as a 4 seater. Since that I have not been able to get a response from the company in Caen. I contacted DREAL in Caen who said that the classification was correct and that I should speak to my agent. Since then DREAL has also failed to respond to my request for the reason for the classification. If I could find the reason I may be able to address the issue. The CT is also due shortly and I imagine this will cause an issue. Do you know what I can do at this point?
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 août 2023

      All I can assume is that the individual approval request has been made based on the original certificate of (non)conformity. Why did the DREAL gave the RTI with 7 seats? I really have no idea. Maybe the agent presented it in a 4 seater configuration. I know that it's not possible to change the characteristics of an imported vehicle, so maybe there was no other alternative. I guess you will have to make another individual approval to switch to 7 seats. To do that you should get in touch with a Dodge dealer in France. About the CT you might remove the seats just for the sake of the visit, to gain some time until you can sort it out.
  • Mervyn Edwards

    28 juillet 2023

    Hi , Can you please advise me of your charges for registing a classic car having bought it in USA , at the same time can you recommend a shipper . Many Thanks Mervyn Edwards
    • Logo Eplaque


      31 juillet 2023

      Our classic car/imported registration fee is EUR 68.9. On top you'll have to pay the registration taxes, the FFVE certificate, etc. We don't deal with import/export, therefore we don't have a shipper name to recommend.
  • Martin O'Grady

    15 juillet 2023

    Hi there, I a holiday home in France and am interested in buying and importing a classic car from the Netherlands, and keeping the car in France. In order to obtain a registration certificate in France, is it acceptable that my driving licence is a British licence? Many thanks, Martin
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 juillet 2023

  • Peter St Clair-Braudé

    4 juillet 2023

    Bonjour j'ai trouvé un Mustang GT 1966 en Angleterre, conduit à gauche ! Pas des modifications, que les restorations. Origin USA, North Carolina. Le prix demande £26000. S'il vous plaît pouvez vous m'indiquer les frais d'importation : tax, tva, carte grise etc? Et pouvez vous le faire pour moi, à quelle prix ? Merci beaucoup. Cordialement
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 juillet 2023

      Nous ne gérons que le volet immatriculation, nous ne pouvons pas nous charger des formalités d'homologation et d'importation. Pour l'importation d'un véhicule de collection vous bénéficierez des droits réduits de 5,5 % sur la valeur du véhicule. En obtenant une attestation de datation et de caractéristiques de la FFVE à +- 60 EUR, vous n'avez pas besoin de faire l'homologation. Il restera le prix de la carte grise, qui va dépendre de la puissance fiscale du véhicule et de votre région. Cela devrait être autour de 200 à 300 €.
    • Peter St Clair-Braudé

      5 juillet 2023

      Bonjour Merci pour votre réponse. Est-ce que le 5.5% calculé sur le prix que je paie ?
      • Logo Eplaque


        6 juillet 2023

        En principe oui, sauf si les douanes estiment que ce prix est sous-évalué. Dans ce cas le taux sera appliqué sur la valeur de marché.
  • David Ward

    23 juin 2023

    Bonjour Before I apply for the 846a and then come back to you could you answer 2 questions please. 1) Am I correct in saying that although I have owned my car for 30 years I still need to pay 5.5% vat on its current value ? 2) I have never had a sales invoice , will I need one? Regards
    • Logo Eplaque


      26 juin 2023

      1. If you moved recently to France, no, you won't have to pay a penny. People who relocate with cars belonging to them don't pay VAT or duties. 846A will be issued free of charge (you still need to get the document) 2. As far as your name is on the car registration certificate, no, no problem. If you had to pay duties/VAT, they will calculate it based on the market value of the car We remain at your service!
  • Geoff Turner

    18 mars 2023

    Hello, I have a 1987 BMW in Canada in storage, it rolls on 4 wheels but the transmission is out, the glass, and is basically mid restoration. I live in the UK and have a house in France. As I approach retirement, I would like to ultimately get the car to France, but maybe via the UK so I can do some work on it here, with the idea of eventually registering it in France. Is this as complicated as it seems to me? What would be the best approach?
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mars 2023

      You would have to go through the customs to pay VAT and duties (reduced for such cars, you'll pay 5.5% total) once the car arrives in France. Then you cannot do much, because the car must work to get a registration. Once restoration is completed, request a "certificat de datation et de caractéristiques" to the FFVE. This document basically confirms that the car is eligible to the special classic car status ("collection"), and provides technical characteristics so that you don't need to go through the hassle of an individual approval procedure. Then you'll need a MOT and you are good to go to register the car.
  • Panagiotis Maroulidis

    6 mars 2023

    Hello, i am planning to buy and import to france a vintage car (70’s) from inside EU . When i will have the new plates for a vintage car can i choose the number ? (Even if it’s not officially possible can i give some money under the table ?) please let me know .
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 mars 2023

      No, there is no way you can choose your number in France. Since the new system introduced in 2009, numbers are assigned sequentially, and automatically.

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