How to buy a crit air sticker in France?

Logo Eplaque

- 6 min de lecture ⏳

Le - Mis à jour le 20/03/2023

Crit’air is an air quality certificate that classifies vehicles according to their emissions. This « France emissions sticker » is mandatory to drive in low-emission zones (“LEZ”, or ZFE in French). Can I buy a Crit’air sticker in France is a question frequently asked among foreigners. Not only you can, but you must in you’ll drive in a LEZ. Keep reading to understand the basics of the system, and learn how to buy a Crit air sticker. And if your car is too old to drive in Paris clean air zone, our tips on how to avoid Paris low emission zone will be useful!

About Crit’air, France emissions sticker

An emission sticker in France looks like a coloured round sticker. Its color corresponds to a class of vehicles, defined according to the emissions of pollutants (euro category of the engine):

  • Green: electric cars + hydrogen
  • 1: EURO 5 or 6, petrol cars – liquid gas cars, hybrid
  • 2: EURO 5 or 5 diesel, EURO 4 petrol
  • 3: EURO 4 diesel or EURO 2/3 petrol
  • 4: EURO 3 Diesel cars
  • 5: EURO 2 Diesel cars
  • No sticker: unclassified vehicles

The certificate is compulsory in some areas (Paris, Toulouse…). Local councils can grant privileges to certain vehicles, for example free parking for electric vehicles with a green Crit air sticker.

Where can I buy a Crit’air sticker in France ?

The easiest way is to order your Crit’air sticker online. Here is the link of the official website, in English (other available languages are German, Spanish, and Italian). Please note that middlemen try to collect orders (and fees) without adding value compared to the official request form. It’s therefore better to stick with the official website.

How much does a car emission sticker cost in France?

For a shipment to France, the price is set at €3.11, to which the postage costs are added, for a total of €3.67. For foreign cars (mailing abroad), the price is set at €4.51. This is therefore rather cheap, it simply covers every France vehicle emission sticker manufacturing costs and shipping.

Your sticker will be sent by post to the address you will provide during the order. We invite you to check that this information is up to date before buying your sticker.

How to buy a Crit air sticker, what do I need?

You simply need your car registration certificate to fill the request form. You’ll have to fill the requested information, such as:

  • Registration number
  • Date of first registration
  • Issuing country
  • VIN number
  • C02 emissions

For your convenience, the field ID of the car registration corresponding to the requested information is displayed. You’ll have to confirm your address, pay online with a credit or debit card, then finalize your French emission sticker request.

My Crit’air sticker has not arrived: what should I do?

If you didn’t receive your sticker after 2 weeks, you can track your application here:

Please note that within 24 hours of your request submission, you will receive an electronic invoice, with a sample of your Crit’air sticker. You can use it temporarily as a proof that you applied.

What if I modify my vehicle so that it pollutes less?

There are emission control systems that can be installed on any used vehicle to reduce pollution, e.g. nitrogen oxide (Nox) emissions. This can lead to the issuance of a “better” Crit’air sticker, and therefore in certain cases avoid traffic restrictions.

Here are various anti-pollution retrofitting devices that allow you to benefit from this provision, as well as the procedure to follow to have your France Crit’air low emission sticker amended.

Favor vehicles undertaking anti-pollution measures

Currently, the Crit’air classification system only takes into account the engine standard (Euro 3, Euro 4, etc.) and the type of fuel (petrol, diesel, gas, electric, etc.) to determine the Crit air classification. However, it is possible to install devices that reduce the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. To encourage this initiative, the state is granting a one-category upgrade after installing one of the following systems:

  • Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) System
  • Particles filter

This provision is valid for all motor vehicles, from cars to trucks, including utility vehicles. Those provisions are granted in article 3 of the decree of June 21, 2016, which states:

« Vehicles equipped with a device for treating polluting emissions installed after the vehicle was put into service for the first time may be classified in a higher class under the conditions provided for by the order of May 15, 2013.« 

What’s the point of installing a retrofit system?

By going from a Crit’air sticker 4 to 3, you can, for example, avoid the traffic restrictions implemented in Paris or elsewhere. However, you will need to make a special request in order to receive the corresponding Crit’air emission sticker. Indeed, the automated procedure takes into account field V.1 of the vehicle registration document, or the date of registration when this field of the registration certificate is not completed.

How to apply for an upgraded Crit’air sticker

To buy a Crit air clean air sticker after such modification, the request must be submitted manually made by email, more details here: You will have to fill in a declaration form. This is possible in the following 4 scenarios:

  • Installation in France before July 1, 2013
  • Installation in France after July 1, 2013, included
  • Installation abroad according to the national system in force in the country of installation, before June 17, 2014
  • Installation abroad according to UN Regulation No. 132, applicable from June 17, 2014

If you have installed several devices, you must submit an application per device.

How to avoid Paris low emission zone?

Your car is not allowed to drive in the LEZ of the City of Light? There are several ways to avoid Paris clean air zone :

  • Parisian LEZ rules are not enforced 24/24, 7 days a week. You are still allowed to drive through during the weekend, or between 8pm and 8am during the week. You can therefore use the « périphérique » during those times. Plan your trip accordingly
  • If you cannot drive during those hours, you’ll have to opt for a detour. Use an itinerary planner such as Google Maps to find the best route that bypasses Paris ZFE
  • If you have to stay in Paris, you can park your car outside the LEZ, or inside while driving after 8pm or during the week-end to get in and get out. Use public transportation or rent a clean car to move around

To check the area covered by Paris low emission zone map, type « Greater Paris Low Emission Zone » in Google Maps or check out the official website. As a reminder, the A86 is not inside Paris low emission zone.

Paris low emission zone payment: how does it work?

Paris does not charge per se to allow cars to drive in its clean air zone. Vehicles simply need to sport a Crit’air sticker, sold for a few euros. Then either you can drive in the LEZ, or you cannot. The approach is very different from what is done in London or Belgium, where older car can still drive, but only after paying a charge. This should answer the question: « Paris low emission zone: how to pay« .

FAQ Crit air sticker in France

I encounter an issue during payment, I always get an error message, what should I do?

Here is a solution proposed by a reader, Hari: « Do make sure to keep upload size of PDF or image to 500kb or less even, though the website says max 2MB. Processing with anything more than 1MB is what making the issue. Once I have compressed mine to 260kb, it works perfectly and I could proceed further to the payment window and was successful with my order. Do give it a try and see if that works! »

How can I determine the environmental class of my vehicle?

You can use this form, in English, to simulate what sticker your vehicle is entitled to:

What if my vehicle is too old to get even the worst sticker?

In that case your car is unclassified.

Which vehicles need a Crit air sticker?

Any vehicle propelled by an engine (cars, trucks, buses, coaches, bikes…)

What happens if I drive in a LEZ without a sticker?

You’ll have to pay a EUR 68 fine.

Why do I need a sticker?

To drive or park in a low-emission zone, or to drive during temporary traffic restrictions implemented when pollution levels are high.

How long such sticker is valid?

Once obtained, the sticker will remain valid until the end of life of the vehicle.

How long does it take to receive a Crit’air sticker

About 2 weeks, sometimes more. You can track your request at any time on the official website.

Do I need an emission sticker in France?

It depends on where you plan to drive. If you don’t plan to visit urban centers, you don’t need one. A car emission sticker for France is required in a few cities where a LEZ has been implemented. In Paris, Lyon, Marseilles, of course. But also smaller cities such as Rouen, Nice, Grenoble, Reims or Strasbourg.

Une question ?

Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais.

Les questions des utilisateurs

  • Pauline Corns

    27 novembre 2024

    My motorcycle is too old to be classified. Will I be fined in a crit air zone?
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 novembre 2024

      In some LEZ there are no checks, in others there are, but they are not very frequent. It's not London, so the odds are pretty low, but we cannot rule out anything.
  • Simon

    29 juillet 2024

    How long does it take for the crit air sticker to be processed ? I paid 24 hours ago and still no invoice or confirmation of certificate.
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 juillet 2024

      From their FAQ, your should receive: - A confirmation e-mail (within 4 hours) - An electronic invoice by e-mail (within around 24 hours) - An Air Quality Certificate by mail (within around a 10 days) Check your spam folder, it could be there.
    • Simon

      30 juillet 2024

      Thank you , if it doesnt arrive in time for my journey , what can i do ?
      • Logo Eplaque


        31 juillet 2024

        I wouldn't worry, and travel with the confirmation. This is not London ULEZ, they didn't install camera to read plates and fine people on a massive scale. Worst case scenario is a traffic stop. And there is still a chance that the policeman will let you go since you are a foreigner and you do have a proof of registration. The odds are close to nil.
  • simon

    29 juillet 2024

    i have applied for a crit air sticker and had the confirmation of payment email but no invoice yet. How long does it take for them to process the application as i leave for france on 1/8.. when i get the invoice through cani print copy and use as proof of application if needed ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 juillet 2024

      As stated in our previous answer it's 24 hours for the invoice. Proof of application might help if you are stopped by the police, it depends how flexible they are. In principle they should leave you alone. And no worries, this is not London ULEZ, checks are sporadic.
  • Rhiannon

    17 juillet 2024

    I applied for the crit air sticker, received confirmation (I have the electronic version that they attached). It says it was posted on the 10th however it has not been delivered and when I go check the tracking it says the tracking is no longer available. What would you do? I leave for France on the 24th (I do not plan on driving through any LEZs) and it was ordered on the 1st but there's no sign of it so far.
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 juillet 2024

      Take all the proofs with you. In case they check you (unlikely), show them all the evidences, they should leave you alone. There are no automated checks with cameras.
  • Daniel

    6 juin 2024

    I applied for the crit air sticker , and it says it was posted on the 24th. It has still not arrived and I leave to France tomorrow and will need to drive in a low emission zone. I also have no email proof it was ordered, and already checked all emails and all spam, zero invoice. What would you recommend for the trip given no sticker, no invoice and no alternative than an LEZ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 juin 2024

      Take a screenshot or print the page that says that it has been posted, anything that can prove your good faith, there is nothing more you can do. Right now checks are rather sporadic, and not automated as far as we know. Therefore, the risk is rather limited, it's not a hot situation like in London ULEZ.
  • Mike

    9 mai 2024

    I have a 2001 hymer b584 diesel what category do I order pkease
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 mai 2024

      You don't get to choose. According to the specs of your vehicle, the right sticker will be sent to you.
  • Cristian Baitg

    30 avril 2024

    I applied and received my sticker . I need to start my trip to France tomorrow but I cannot find my sticker. What should I do. Is there somewhere where I can purchase it in France and pick it up over the counter. I cannot wait 2 weeks until it arrives. I am going to France tomorrow
    • Logo Eplaque


      1 mai 2024

      Unfortunately, non, that's the only way.
  • William

    25 avril 2024

    I need a sticker for my 10 year old Volvo V70 first registered 12th. November 2014. I can scan and upload the Registration Certificate which contains most necessary information eg VIN. How do I ender the Co 2 question and which category am I in? The cars seem to range in 1 to 6?
    • Logo Eplaque


      26 avril 2024

      The dropdown list "Vehicle Category" simply requires you to select the relevant category. If you own a standard car, select "Passengers car (M1)". It seems that CO2 emissions are not mentioned on the UK logbook. If you are indeed from the UK, you should be able to find your car emission with this tool: or check the COC of your vehicle.
  • Ian Court

    28 mars 2024

    Myself and two other friends have planned to ride cross France this summer on motorcycles stopping in Tours and Lyon. I have a purple sticker with a number 1 on my bike but the other two do not. Is my sticker/bike ok and do my friends have to apply for the same “1” sticker?
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 mars 2024

      Yes, they need a sticker for Lyons.
  • Patrick O'Hara

    19 mars 2024

    In one of your answers you say "Please note that within 24 hours of your request submission, you will receive an electronic invoice, with a sample of your Crit'air sticker. You can use it temporarily as a proof that you application " We have not received this invoice and sample of the Crit Air. How do we get this please?
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mars 2024

      It should have been sent to your email address. Check your spam folder.
  • Dr Andrew Young

    13 mars 2024

    The Crit’air site will not accept the compressed photo of the registration certificate. Help!
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 mars 2024

      You can only upload .jpg,.png or .pdf less than 2 MB. If you did, liaise with them:
  • Bob Beaumont

    3 mars 2024

    Hello My sticker was damaged when the windscreen broke.How can I order a new one
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 mars 2024

      You just have to reorder one, same process as you did.
  • Paul Hollerbach

    25 février 2024

    Hi how do I apply for sticker with a Spanish registered motorhome because it only as your name on document and not address please
    • Logo Eplaque


      26 février 2024

      Make sure you apply via the form dedicated to foreign cars, then just follow the instructions. We guess the address will be required at a later stage.
  • Michael Lefebve

    17 février 2024

    Hello My Friends had to have their windscreen replaced. How do they go about acquiring a replacement sticker? Regards M Lefebve
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 février 2024

      You simply order a new one online.
  • Lesley Karen Roden

    14 février 2024

    What does the word 'mark' mean on the form? I have filled in everything else, but don't know what this word is referring to.
    • Logo Eplaque


      15 février 2024

      It's the make... Bad translation ("marque" in French) :)
    • Lesley Karen Roden

      15 février 2024

      Thank you
  • Dawn

    21 octobre 2023

    Hi, I've got a car from Renault on a short term lease. It's registered in my name and address which is in the United States. If I order a sticker it's going to get sent to the US, obviously I'm not there. Can I just carry the receipt with me?
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 octobre 2023

      That's quite puzzling, because this is not allowed, registration address must be in France. You can carry it, but still the sticker won't be on the windshield, which is an issue if they fine you while parked.
  • Craig McPherson-davis

    15 octobre 2023

    I’m hiring a car in Germany and driving to the hotel in central Paris. How can I get a vignette in time. Or what shall I do Thanks in advance for your advice
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 octobre 2023

      Only the car rental company can do that. You should ask them to give you a car that already has the sticker, if available.
  • Sebastian Goddard

    30 septembre 2023

    I have a Honda C90 1983 moped and the system won't let me order a Crit Air sticker. Do I need one? I successfully ordered one for the motorhome that the moped sits in the garage of. Kind regards Sebastian Goddard.
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 octobre 2023

      In the Crit'air system, no sticker = worse ranking. And since this mopped is old, it gets the worse ranking, therefore no sticker.
  • Barbara Legge

    13 septembre 2023

    My registration document doesn’t say what the emissions are. What can I do?
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 septembre 2023

      On the foreign form C02 emissions are not a mandatory field, so just leave it empty.
  • Jane crozer

    6 septembre 2023

    Can I buy a crit air sticker over the counter
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 septembre 2023

      No, unfortunately.
  • Lorraine Fox

    5 septembre 2023

    I have been trying for days to get a Crit Air sticker online using the official website with no luck. I have reduced the size of my document and got as far as the " pay now" button but it doesnt let me pay. My vehicle is a brand campervan. I'm guessing I am completing the form incorrectly but no idea why. The form asks for emmisions details of CO2 but my document doesnt give this I formation. Can you help.
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 septembre 2023

      The fact that there is no data about CO2 emissions suggests that it might be a rather old vehicle. What's the euro standard of your camper?
  • Alan Round

    29 août 2023

    If I drive through Clermont Fernandinho on motorway and Rouen both at weekend do I need an emissions sticker
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 août 2023

      There are no restrictions on motorways, they only apply in city centers. Moreover, there is no LEZ in "Clermont Fernandinho" :)
  • Bob Thompson

    28 août 2023

    Why do they not take Paypal? I have tried many times to get a certificate online, but my CB (Credit agricole) and my wifes CB and my wifes UK credit card will not go through. Please France get up to date and take Paypal.
  • DUGDALE, Frank

    16 août 2023

    I have changed the registration number of my vehicle in the UK (it is the same vehicle/VIN) - so now my current Crit d'air has the vehicle's old registration number on it. Are you able to amend your records and send out a fresh Crit d'air please ? I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Frank.
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 août 2023

      Simply request a new sticker with the new plate number.
  • Wheatley

    14 août 2023

    What forms do I need when purchasing certificate in France
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 août 2023

      You don't need any, see: "How to buy a Crit air sticker, what do I need?"
  • Ruth Greener

    13 août 2023

    Est-ce besoin de fixer la facture CritAir sur mon vitre avant l'arivee du certificate?
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 août 2023

      To stick permanently is probably not very convenient. However, I would definitely keep the document in the car, and put it in sight on the dashboard when parked, just in case.
  • Robert Ellis

    12 août 2023

    I will be renting a car at Munich International Airport, where can I obtain crit Air sticker to drive into France
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 août 2023

      That's not possible, you would have to ask the car rental company to do that.
  • Maxine

    10 août 2023

    I have been trying all afternoon to order a clean air sticker on line. It keeps telling me the pdf is corrupt. I have sent a photo of the registration doc using an iphone to my emial, downloaded it, shrunk it to now 35kb and its still not accepting it - any ideas?
  • Paulina

    9 août 2023

    I have tried several times to upload photo of the reg certificate and it was well under 2mb and it won’t accept it. It is pretty stressful as we are travelling through France very soon and I need clean air sticker asap
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 août 2023

      Although those readers encountered an issue during payment, the solution was related to upload size. They bypassed the issue by limiting the upload file size under 500 ko. For more details, check out the first question in FAQ ("I encounter an issue during payment, I always get an error message, what should I do?") and see if it works for you.
  • Graham Leggett

    9 août 2023

    My car is a Citroen C4 Grand Picasso 1.6 diesel with Adblue which reduces the CO2 exhaust emmissions and costs only £20 pa to tax in UK. Which sticker will I need in France ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 août 2023

      The Critair system doesn't take into account CO2 emissions. It is based on the euro standard of the engine (which limits pollutant and particles emissions). E.g. an Euro6 car that emits 300 gr of C02 will have a Crit'air 1 classification, while a Euro3 car that emits let's say 120 gr will have a Crit'air 3, which is worse.
  • Tomas

    9 août 2023

    I bought a sticker last year but need to replace the windscreen ( where the sticker is ). Do I need to re apply or can I get a replacement for the sticker?
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 août 2023

      I'm not aware of a procedure to provide a free replacement. Which can be understandable, given the marginal cost of a new sticker.
  • Geoffrey burke

    9 août 2023

    Been trying to apply for a sticker I got a Mercedes sprinter van 7 meters long diesel can’t work out what sticker I require and sites are in french they say they are English can’t find that can you piont me in the right direction
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 août 2023

      Click on "EN" in the top menu if the English version of the page is not displayed automatically:
  • Bilal

    8 août 2023

    Hi, I am travelling to France from UK in 1 day, How to get Vignette in France
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 août 2023

      Unfortunately there is no way to get your sticker in such a short timeframe, and online is the only way.
  • Tim Parker

    2 août 2023

    I am visiting Lyon in 3 days time. Do I need the sticker and can I get one in time for my uk registered car?
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 août 2023

      It's very unlikely that you will get it on time.
  • Broome, Nicholas

    2 août 2023

    Bonjour, j’ai du mal à obtenir un autocollant Crit Air pour ma moto. Il a été enregistré pour la première fois au Royaume-Uni lorsque je l’ai acheté neuf le 22/10/07. Ma défunte épouse et moi avons déménagé pour vivre de manière permanente en France le 19/12/2019. Ma moto a été stockée au Royaume-Uni jusqu’au 19/12/20, date à laquelle je l’ai apportée chez nous en France. Je l’ai ré-immatriculé en France et on m’a donné xxxx comme nouvelle plaque d’immatriculation qui a été fixée à la moto. Comme aucune technique de contrôle n’était requise, je ne peux pas indiquer ses émissions. La moto est une Honda Pan Européenne 1300cc. Le 17 août, je roule de chez moi au Vieil Hesdin à Chartres en passant par Rouen, pour lequel j’ai besoin d’un badge Crit Air. Comment puis-je l’obtenir s’il vous plaît car j’ai essayé trois fois en ligne et échoué.
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 août 2023

      Vu l'âge de votre moto, vous devriez avoir une vignette Crit'air 2 (moteur norme euro 3). Regardez la valeur qui se trouve au repère V9 de votre carte grise. Si ce champ est vide, cela explique pourquoi vous ne recevez pas de vignette, le système pense que vous avez un très vieux moteur sans norme euro. Il vous attribue donc le pire classement, qui correspond à l'absence d'une vignette Crit'air. Si c'est bien la source de votre problème, il faut demander la correction de l'erreur sur la carte grise en joignant un justificatif de la norme euro de votre moto, par exemple le certificat de conformité.
  • Rachel Sheward

    30 juillet 2023

    We can’t order a sticker online so we have printed of the paper copy to send off. We can’t read French so who do write to as we have the address to send it, I send the cheque to for €4.51
    • Logo Eplaque


      31 juillet 2023

      This won't work, you must order it online. The website is also in English, click on "EN" in the menu to switch to English.
  • Ian Nucholls

    18 juillet 2023

    We are long term travellers and can not order a sticker online. Can you please tell us where we can buy a sticker for our vehicle in person. Thank you.
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 juillet 2023

      It's unfortunately the only available method.
  • Barnes

    13 juillet 2023

    J’ai eu un crit air 2 pour immatriculation xxxx mes le pare brise est changé hier est c’est impossible to remover le crit air autocollant
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 juillet 2023

      Simply order a new one.
  • William Wright

    12 juillet 2023

    J’ai mis les détails mais je ne peux pas payer
    • Logo Eplaque


      12 juillet 2023

      Difficile de vous aider sans plus de détails concernant l'erreur. Que se passe-t-il ?
    • Sheila Wright

      12 juillet 2023

      Web site won’t let me continue after details input je ne peux pas continuer après j’ai mis les détails
      • Logo Eplaque


        13 juillet 2023

        You might have forgotten to complete a mandatory field, it's hard to say without seeing the screen.
  • Paul McAndrew

    4 juillet 2023

    My car is registered in france as a 'collection' (1985). Can it be given a sticker?
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 juillet 2023

      No, it has the worse rating, which is no sticker. However, you can still drive in LEZ since such cars are exempted from the restrictions.
  • Wivian Kristensen

    3 juillet 2023

    Bonjour. Je suis de Danemark et vais visiter Lyon/Grenoble dans une semaine par voiture d'essence du 2011. Je vais bien commander le crit air en ligne, mais on n'a pas le temps d'attendre l'arrivée du crit air par poste. Est-ce que que c'est possible d'en acheter dans des garages? Pourriez-vous m'indiquer où aller pour l'acheter avant d'entrer à Lyon? Merci beaucoup.
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 juillet 2023

      Unfortunately there is no way to buy the sticker in a physical location, they are strictly sold online.
  • Dean ellis

    29 juin 2023

    Where can I buy a Crit'Air vignette in Calais as I didn't realise that I needed one
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 juin 2023

      You can only buy it online, here is the official website :
  • Cath Newberry

    20 mars 2023

    Thank you for your speedy response. I have tried to compress the pdf document but it has not shrunk. I am out of ideas. Can you help further?
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 mars 2023

      In that case convert it to a picture and try compressing it. There are online tools available, although for security reasons you might want to do that in a software.
  • Cath Newberry

    20 mars 2023

    I have tried, many times, to order a crit air certificate. I manage to get as far as completing the box asking if I'm a robot. Click on the box ready to pay then get a message "an error has ocurred". I'm sure I have completed the application correctly. What can I do?
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mars 2023

      Try compressing the upload file to less than 1 Mb, preferably half of 1 Mb. Apparently it does the trick, according to one of our readers. Please confirm if it worked or not for you.
  • Hari

    20 mars 2023

    Hi, just that you guys are having the issue on the payment window, I also happens to hit with the exact same error today (20.03.2023) when I was ordering sticker from Since my line of business is in IT, I have dig this a bit deep to find out exact reason behind this and found that the problem was with the size of vehicle document which is being uploaded. Do make sure to keep upload size of PDF or Image to 500kb or less even though the website says max 2MB. Processing with anything more than 1MB is what making the issue. Once I have compressed mine to 260kb, it works perfectly and I could proceed further to the payment window and was successful with my order. Do give it a try and see if that works!
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mars 2023

      Thanks a lot for sharing. I tried last week and I didn't encounter any issue, but I used a very light image as upload indeed.
  • Craig Nimmo

    18 mars 2023

    Just found a solution to this problem. Had been attaching my proof as a pdf of 1.8mb (acceptable per the instructions of 2mb limit). After numerous failed attempts, and a search of sites with other people reporting error messages, I rescanned the proof as a jpeg of .235mb - worked first time.
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mars 2023

      Thanks, another reader told us the same, so it seems we finally have a solution.
  • Craig Nimmo

    18 mars 2023

    I'm having exactly the same problem as Robin, and have been for two weeks. I raised the problem by email two weeks ago and got a reply three days ago saying they were having technical difficulties, and to try again"within" (after?) two days. It still does the same, error on pressing pay button.
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mars 2023

      Thanks for sharing. A reader just suggested a solution, try compressing the upload file so it's less than 1 mb (500 ko preferably), it fixed it.
  • Robin Hinde

    16 mars 2023

    Thanks Joachim, I am using the Government website you mention and not a scam site. Reading the messages several people are experiencing the same problem with that site though
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 mars 2023

      Hard to say, I just tried for myself with a VPN (IP abroad), I reached without any issue then "Payment method" page where I had to choose between card payment or Paypal. When I clicked on card I got the standard form to provide card number CCV etc. What I can suggest is to clear your cache and your cookies, there might be some session stored about a previous attempt. If it doesn't work, contact the support.
  • Julian Prior

    16 mars 2023

    Tried to order a certificate, it doesn't even request for card information, get to "payment" button nd just comes up with message re "order has not been registered" Can you help please
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 mars 2023

      You probably ended up on a scam site. Order only from
  • Robin Hinde

    15 mars 2023

    I am having the same problem as Kristian. The message suggesting you try another credit card comes up before you have even entered any credit card details. Not sure how you try another card therefore.
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 mars 2023

      Another thing worth trying is a French VPN. If nothing works, better to get in touch with them to raise the issue:
  • Kristian Svensson

    13 mars 2023

    I am struggling with the same thing as Peter Savage. I'm trying to order a Crit Air sticker (I'm in France), and I get this error message: "An error has occurred. Your order has not been registered. Advice: Repeat your order within 24 hours or use another bank card. We apologize for the inconvenience." Tried on both mobile phone and computer multiple times both today and yesterday without any luck. The car is parked outside of the city centre in Montpellier, but I do need to use it eventually. What do I do?
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 mars 2023

      To me it looks like it doesn't like you credit or debit card. If you have the opportunity, try with a card from another bank. I have encountered similar problems unrelated to ANTS with a Revolut card, that won't be accepted by certain companies.
  • Maria

    11 mars 2023

    Dear Sir! We travel by car to Paris.Where can I buy the Air Sticker ín Paris immadiately? I Will need for this tomorrow. Thanks.
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 mars 2023

      Unfortunately this cannot be done under such short notice, since requests are sent online, and processed by mail.
  • Peter Savage

    8 mars 2023

    I have been trying to obtain a Crit’air sticker for over 2 weeks. The French website does not work, the most common problem being the last “are you a computer” question. The contact telephone number on the site does not work either nor are email messages replied to. What should I do? Or should I just risk breaking French law? This is a ridiculous situation.
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 mars 2023

      Try maybe with a French VPN to avoid the "human" check. I have never seen it from my side, to be honest. Regarding the support, well... if they are infamous, there must be a reason.
  • Tony

    6 mars 2023

    I am picking up a brand new french registered leased car shortly. The car registration shows my Australian address. How do I get a crit air sticker?
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 mars 2023

      We don't know how they managed to display a foreign address, as it is not legal... The solution is probably to change the address so that your French address appears... if you have one.
  • Sid

    6 mars 2023

    the application form will not allow me to enter the correct emissions. I try to enter 0.119 but it keeps showing 011?
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 mars 2023

      There is no decimal in this field, emissions are expressed in grams per kilometer. It ranges usually from 80 to 300 for petrol and diesel cars. If the value is indeed 0.119, key in 1.
  • Ann

    27 février 2023

    I will be driving to Chantilly and Amiens from Calais. Will I need a Critair Sticker? Thank you.
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 février 2023

  • Damien davey

    24 février 2023

    I cannot pay for my crit air badge on line by credit card. Is there any other method?
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 février 2023

      There is unfortunately no other way, you might want to try with the card of an acquaintance.
  • Ana Catarino

    17 février 2023

    My car had a GB plate number and had a Yellow Crit Air Sticker. We left the UK and moved to Bulgaria, therefore the car now has a Bulgarian plate number. Where can I alter the Crit Air sticker to my new/present plate number?
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 février 2023

      You simply have to request a new sticker based on your new Bulgarian number.
  • Mark Lee Appler

    16 janvier 2023

    I have a 2012 Fiat 500. Registered in the USA. It is here in France on a temporary import. I have a one year visa. I will be shipping it back to the USA later this year, when I return to the USA. I would like a CritAir sticker. According to the French Embassy in Washington DC, I do not need to get French registration plates, since the car is here only on temporary import. I did get the Controle Technique inspection and approval, and have that documentation. I would like to get a CritAir sticker, but the website does no have the USA listed as a choice for a non-French registered car. Therefore, I can't complete the application form. Do I just lie and say the vehicle is registered in UK, or the Vatican, or some other country? Or do I just forget about it, and hope I don't get ticketed between now and July, when the car is shipped back to the US? Thanks for your help.
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 janvier 2023

      The drop down box only allows European countries, that's weird. Drop them a message ( and see what they suggest.
  • Moses

    2 janvier 2023

    Hi, i just planned a spontaneous visit and i ordered the sticker for my car but can i drive in France with my receipt of payment as i must travel now. And is it possible the sticker is also sent to email within 6 hours, maybe with this i can print it while am in france and put it in my car. Thanks for the reply.
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 janvier 2023

      There is a slight risk to be fined if policemen see your car when it's parked, or if they control you, and refuse to accept the receipt of payment as a proof of your good faith. It's probably unlikely, but we cannot say for sure.
  • Bob Webb

    31 décembre 2022

    Can I get a replacement sticker? Mine was lost when my windscreen was replaced.
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 janvier 2023

      Yes, you just need to order one once again.
  • Peter Hodgson

    10 novembre 2022

    I had a yellow sticker for my car ‘ xxxx’ but it was lost when the screen was replaced - can I get a replacement ? Peter
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 novembre 2022

      Yes, all you have to do is to file another request.
  • Barry Clark

    9 novembre 2022

    Le pare-brise de mon camping-car doit être remplacé. Je dois remplacer l'autocollant crit'air. Comment obtenir une nouvelle vignette ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 novembre 2022

      Il suffit d'envoyer une nouvelle demande via le site officiel.
  • John Curd

    4 octobre 2022

    I am trying to apply for a Crit'Air vignette for a UK-registered car. What does the field "serial number" refer to, please?
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 octobre 2022

      It's the VIN number.
  • RickC

    16 août 2022

    Hi, could some kind soul please tell me if I can buy a crit’air sticker when I get to France this coming Saturday as we don’t yet have one - many thanks in advance…
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 août 2022

      No unfortunately, sales are conducted strictly online, via the official website. Be careful of third party vendors, there are scammers out there.
  • John Stewart Young

    13 août 2022

    I have tried numerous times to get the site to work but it will not Continue past the first page.I have compressed the V5 jpeg, tried converting to PDF but it just stops when I press continue.I have read all the notes,tried on three separate days,tried on my I pad then my Mac but cannot get through.I have emailed the site a week ago but got no reply.What else can I do?
    • Logo Eplaque


      15 août 2022

      Maybe try another browser, or their support if nothing works.
  • Gordon Rodwell

    9 août 2022

    Why does it not accept proof of registration even after compression to within limits
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 août 2022

      Did you use one of the authorized file types?
  • Lynne Littler

    1 août 2022

    How do you get a pdf version of the V5C to "Add Proof"
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 août 2022

      You scan it and save it as a PDF.
  • Lydia

    16 juillet 2022

    Hello, I am currently in Spain driving my brothers car (which is registered in France). I am going to Paris for 2 days and need the sticker, but how do i get the sticker sent to a different address than the one where the vehicle is registered to? (i don't want to change the registration address, just change where i get the sticker sent!) Thanks!
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 juillet 2022

      According to the official website, the sticker is automatically sent to the address associated with the registration when the request concerns a French car. So you would have to ask your brothers to forward it to you.

    13 juillet 2022

    Hi, please I will like to know the duration of the crit air 3 sticker in France. Thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 juillet 2022

      So far there is no expiration date.
  • John

    12 juillet 2022

    Hi. On the English form there is a compulsory field called Mark after the serial number field. What does this refer to please?
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 juillet 2022

      It's written "Make", so the brand of the car.
  • Wendy T

    5 juillet 2022

    The website does not seem to be working and crashes every time I try and upload the registration details
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 juillet 2022

      Those things can happen, try another time. If the problem persists, might be browser related, try another one. Try disabling ad blocking extensions too.
  • Anton

    29 juin 2022

    Hello! Is it possible to buy the crit air sticker while entering france? Like on a gas station or something?
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 juin 2022

      No unfortunately, sales are strictly online.
  • Heather

    29 juin 2022

    I am in Brittany and want to visit Quimper, do I need a Crit Air sticker? If so can you buy one in person?
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 juin 2022

      You must order it online. Right now it is not required in Quimper. It is however a good idea to order one, so you won't have to worry in the future about such things.
  • Derek Dewar

    26 juin 2022

    Hi, I will travel to France in a weeks time. Once I buy my certificate I will likely not receive my sticker before arriving in France. I plan to travel Calais to Pornic and may travel around the surrounding regions including Nantes. Will proof of payment suffice without a sticker?
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 juin 2022

      In case they stop you it should be enough, however if you park in a LEZ zone without it you might be fined. Please note that right now, in that area it seems that only Rouen has implemented a LEZ (and Paris if you go via that city). If you drive north through Rennes, Caen, Le Havre... no problem.
  • Ian cardus

    13 juin 2022

    bonjour j'ai un autocollant crit air sur mon véhicule mais j'ai changé le numéro d'immatriculation donc maintenant il ne correspond pas à l'autocollant. dois-je en demander un nouveau ?? merci monsieur cardus
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 juin 2022

      C'est préférable, vu que cela ne coûte pas cher. Ce sera plus simple que d'expliquer pourquoi les numéros ne correspondent pas, à notre avis.
  • Nora

    12 juin 2022

    I recieved a sticker for the first car that we were supposed to go with. We had to switch it now and we got another car, a better one at that, but I am not sure if it sticker will arrive on time. Do you know if it will be a complication if we drive (one day in Nice, we will park it and will not drive until the next day when we continue with our trip) without the sticker but with the proof of payment and acceptance?
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 juin 2022

      In case you are stopped the acceptance should be enough, however we cannot rule out a fine when the car is parked etc., although low given the little time you will spend in Nice.
  • Agata

    10 juin 2022

    Can you ask for it to be sent to an address other than the address given in the registration certificate?
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 juin 2022

  • Agata

    10 juin 2022

    Hello, my car I registered in Belgium, but on my car registration certificate I have an old address, in Belgium is not obligatory ti change it. I want to order crit'air sticker, how can I give them my current address?
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 juin 2022

      For foreign cars delivery address is required, so it's possible.
  • Jon

    9 juin 2022

    Hello My car is on the motability scheme and l don’t hold the registration papers VC5. Can l get motability to contact your office. Regards Jon.
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 juin 2022

      Yes, they'll have to send you the sticker afterwards since they will receive it.
  • Wollocombe

    8 juin 2022

    Can we buy these in France please as we do not have time for one to be delivered?
    • Logo Eplaque


      9 juin 2022

      No, the procedure must be done online.
  • Roy mercer

    5 juin 2022

    How do I change the registration of my car
  • Simon KEY

    30 avril 2022

    Ma voiture a été immatriculée et j'avais un autocollant, mais mon pare-brise était endommagé et devait être remplacé. J'ai maintenant besoin d'un nouvel autocollant. Pouvez-vous m'en envoyer un s'il vous plait. Ma voiture est immatriculée au Royaume-Uni BL67YKU.
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 mai 2022

      Vous devez commander un nouvel autocollant Critair via le site officiel.
  • Peter Clayton

    28 février 2022

    Do I have to download the whole of my Registration Certificate or just the front page?
    • Logo Eplaque


      1 mars 2022

      Sorry we don't understand, you mean upload?
    • Simon luton

      9 août 2023

      Do I need to Upload all of my registration document or just the front page
      • Logo Eplaque


        10 août 2023

        I'm not sure what is displayed on the front page and if it's enough, so to play it safe I would scan everything.

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