Grants for electric cars in France

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Publié par Eplaque - 4 min de lecture ⏳

Le 15/04/2022 - Mis à jour le 04/03/2024

As most countries in the European Union or in Europe (UK), France is taking steps to promote the adoption of eco-friendly transportation habits. Grants for an electric and hybrid vehicles are among the measures taken to reduce pollution. Here are the various schemes and grants for buying an electric car in France.

What grants in France for buying electric vehicles, hybrid cars, etc.

In 2024, 2 big programs are in place to incentivize the purchase of electric vehicles, to promote the replacement of old cars with more recent models (and therefore better Crit’air emissions sticker). Other initiatives also contribute to this pivot towards sustainable mobility:

  • Bonus écologique (ecological grant or government grant for electric vehicles): instead of paying a malus proportional to a car emissions, the purchaser of a clean car (electric or hydrogen) will get a grant from the French government
  • Prime à la conversion (car replacement grant): owners of old petrol or diesel car get a grant if they scrape their old car to replace it with a cleaner vehicle
  • Local grants: regional or departmental schemes
  • Borne de recharge: a grant is allowed to owners of an electric vehicle to finance the installation of a charging station at home

We will go through the details of each scheme of those grants for electric vehicles in France. However, the easiest to assess what you can claim is to do the eligibility test on the official website (button « Commencer le test ») :

Bonus écologique: government subsidy for purchasing an electric or hybrid car in France

Through the “ecological bonus”, the state helps the population with the purchase of a vehicle. In other words, it provides financial assistance to anyone who buys in France a car of the type « new or second-hand low-emission vehicle » (or leases it).

RFR par part (income per household member)New electric carSecond hand < 132g/km CO2 emission (diesel not eligible), Critair 1 or better
< 7.100 €€ 5,000 € 3,000
< 15.400 € and « intensive user » (12,000 km per year for work)€ 5,000€ 3,000
< 15.400 €€ 1,500 €€ 500
< 24.900 €€ 1,500 €0
> 24.900 €00

Conditions to be met

Certain conditions must be fulfilled to benefit from this subsidy « electric car »:

  • Be domiciled in France
  • Buy or lease the vehicle
  • The vehicle must be a passenger car, van, 2 or 3-wheel motor vehicle or quad bike
  • If it is a car or a van, the owner does not have the right to sell his French vehicle before 12 months of ownership
  • Electric cars must have an environmental score of at least 60 (list here)
  • The purchased car cannot be worth more than €47,000
  • Two- or three-wheel motor vehicles or quadricycles must not use a lead-acid battery

Bonus ecologique 2024: what’s new about this government grant for electric cars?

In 2024, there are changes regarding that grant when purchasing a new electric car. It’s worth €4,000, + €3,000 extra when their yearly household income per member (« RFR de référence ») doesn’t exceed €15,400. Hybrid vehicles remain excluded from this grant.

The weight of the vehicle cannot exceed 2,400 kg. Only category M2 vehicles benefit from an exemption, their mass may exceed this ceiling provided that their GVW is not above 3.5 t.

Please note that the authorities takes into account the date of signature of the purchase order for the granting of the bonus. However, invoicing must be done within the following 3 months in order to benefit from the ecological bonus. In principle, the car dealer will submit the request and deduct the bonus from the invoice. If he doesn’t, you will have to file yourself a request here.

If the bonus écologique is rather popular, another grant scheme is even more used: the prime à la conversion. In short, thanks to this subvention you can get from €100 to €5,000 by scrapping an old car in France in order to replace it with a new (and clean) model. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an electric car. You can purchase a clean second hand petrol car (less than 132 g of CO2) and get paid up to €3,000. Of course if you purchase an electric car, or a hybrid vehicle, you will get more: up to €5,000.

Please note, however, that those grants are subject to household income limits. The most generous amounts are granted to households earning less than € 7,100 (per household member). If you earn more than that, this amount is divided by two.

However, the good news is that you can take advantage of the bonus écologique scheme on top of this government grant. In other words, you can get paid up to €12,000 to purchase an electric car worth less than €47,000. Usually, the car dealer will take care of the paperwork. If he doesn’t, you will have to file an online request (link).

Local grants for electric cars : more electric car subsidies in France

Certain regions or departments may choose to introduce specific local grants. It would be too tedious to describe them all, especially given they might run for a short period of time. For example, in Paris region (Île-de-France), a special incentive has been put in place to help small companies investing in electric cars. In the Grand-Est, owners of a petrol car who convert their vehicle to E85 are entitled to a €500 grant. Contact your regional authorities to learn more about potential local grants and support for electric vehicles in France.

Grant schemes for electric vehicle charging infrastructure at home: « Borne de recharge »

If you install charging equipment at home (main or secondary residence), the French government has a grants for electric vehicle charging stations. You get a tax credit worth 75%, but not higher than €300. There are no income conditions to fulfill to benefit from this subsidized tax credit.

Une question ?

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Les questions des utilisateurs

  • Pedro Silva

    24 juillet 2024

    Hello, I 'm a EU citizen with no French domicile. Can I buy a second hand EV with 11 month from the first registration and regist in my country (an export)? Is there any value to pay to the French government? Thank you!
    • Logo Eplaque


      24 juillet 2024

      Sure you can export the car, you won't owe anything to France. It's in your country that you might have to pay VAT or duties. If you are in the EU, no duties, but be careful if the car has less than 6,000 km. In that case VAT will apply.
  • Jacobs Diana

    25 mai 2024

    J’ai un vehicle (2016 Peugeot station wagon ) combien le government payer a changer a une Hybrid voiture svp ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 mai 2024

      Sorry we don't get your question, could you write it in English?
  • Piaskowski, Denise

    21 août 2023

    Bonjour, J'espère que vous avez passé un bon week-end. Je viens d'acheter un supercharger pour l'installer chez moi. Comment puis-je demander la prime de 300 euros ? Je vous remercie. Cordialement, Denise Piaskowski
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 août 2023

      Il s'agit d'un crédit d'impôt, vous trouverez toutes les informations utiles sur cette page officielle :
  • Kathleen Martin

    19 août 2023

    i have a toyota rav4 diesel and want to buy a dacia spring ev to replace it. i am recently bereaved and my circumstances have change so next financial year i would qualify for a 7000 euro reduction. can i place an order for this car 3 months before ie, october 1st and can i claim a grant for selling my diesel car back to a toyota dealership
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 août 2023

      Yes, but bear in mind that rules might change next year, so nothing guarantees that will be more advantageous.
  • Alex

    13 mars 2023

    Hello, I'm a holder of French visa D (VLS-T) valid for 11 months (non EU citizen). I have a domicile in France (the rental agreement is on my name). Can I buy a new electric car in France and receive a bonus écologique?
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 mars 2023

      The rules simply says that to be eligible, the requestor must be "an individual over 18 who is residing in the country". So you should be eligible. However we advise you to double check with the "ministère de la transition écologique", because it's not the first time that a public service would add requirements that are not stipulated in legal texts.
  • Robert Crabtree

    17 juillet 2022

    Bonjour J'ai un Landrover Freelander 2 Diesel de 2007. Le véhicule a parcouru 280 000 km. Je souhaite acheter une voiture électrique en remplacement. Comment puis-je savoir combien serait le Prime à la conversion ? Merci Bob Crabtree

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