Vehicle ownership transfer online: how to proceed in France?

Logo Eplaque

- 6 min de lecture ⏳

Le - Mis à jour le 31/08/2023

In France, license plates are assigned to a vehicle, and not to a person. When a vehicle ownership changes, it must be registered within 30 days following the transfer. This is applicable in case of a sale of a used vehicle, a donation or an inheritance. Eplaque is authorized to process online vehicle ownership transfer requests in France. Get support in English from the car registration specialist since 2009. Fast processing, and support in Shakespeare’s language guaranteed! And we can also make your license plates!

For vehicles still registered in the old registration system (FNI, which is evrything but the SIV « AA-001-AA » French plate format), the change of ownership of a vehicle requires the assignment of a new registration number. However, the process is absolutely identical.

Vehicle ownership transfer online in France: how to change ownership of a car in France?

Eplaque is one of the authorized service providers approved by the Ministry of the Interior to carry out, on behalf of new owners, the procedure for changing the name of the registration certificate holder. With this simplified online procedure, we support you step by step by advising you every document you must submit so that your file is complete at the first shot. When all the papers are in our possession, we take care of submitting your French vehicle ownership transfer request. You don’t need to deal with the ANTS (French only). Once processed, the carte grise will be printed by the Imprimerie Nationale and sent by registered mail to the address of the holder. This takes a few days.

Change vehicle ownership online with the ANTS

You can change the owner of the car certificate yourself through the paperless procedures of the ANTS. Please note that in order to put the registration document in your name with them, you must have the transfer code (code de cession) in your possession. This implies that the previous owner communicated it to you, and that he communicated via this entity the ownership transfer (déclaration de cession). In all cases, you can entrust us with your vehicle ownership transfer in France. We will verify that you are the legitimate purchaser by asking you to provide us with specific documents, such as a copy of the transfer certificate, as well as a proof of identity.

Documents for a transfer of motor vehicle ownership in France

Here are the papers required for a change of vehicle ownership on the “gray card” (carte grise) following the purchase of a used vehicle, or a donation:

  • A completed Cerfa 13750*07
  • Filled Cerfa 15776*02 form (document signed by the seller and you, « déclaration de cession »)
  • The original carte grise crossed out, dated and signed by the previous owner
  • Driving license (French or foreign) as a proof of identity (because you must anyway provide a copy of your driving license)
  • Proof of address in France
  • Proof of insurance
  • For vehicles subjected to French MOT, proof of less than 6 months (or 2 months if of a follow-up visit has been requested due to faults)
  • If you bought the car to a dealer, garage, etc. : “déclaration d’achat” (purchase declaration)

Please note that if your driving license is not in French, you must provide a copy of the international driving permit (required to drive in France anyway) or a certified translation.

Confidential code, transfer code and car ownership transfer

If you have sold your car and you wish to declare the ownership transfer, which is mandatory to allow the purchaser of your vehicle to submit his own ownership transfer request, you will have to provide your confidential code. This code was in the envelope that contained your registration certificate. If you lost it, you can request a new confidential code through the ANTS.

To avoid these difficulties, you can also register the déclaration de cession via an authorized service provider such as Plaque. Once the transfer is registered with the ANTS, the system will provide you with a transfer code (code de cession) that you will have to provide the buyer with. This code will be essential for him to reflect the new owner of the registration certificate. However, there is a way to make the change of owner procedure without a transfer code. Namely, making the change of holder through an agent such as Eplaque.

Buying a car in France: what to know as a foreigner, pitfalls

The above concerns the purchase of a vehicle which already has French plates. For foreign cars, please check our page about registering an imported car (with EU car license plates or not).

When someone is selling you a car in France, make sure of the following:

  • Get from the seller an MOT (contrôle technique) of less than 6 months. This is mandatory by law, in order to minimize the risk of buying a car with serious problems. To submit a vehicle ownership transfer online in France, you must satisfy this condition. If not, you’ll have to pass a new MOT yourself
  • Check that the seller’s name on the transfer certificate (certificat de cession) matches with the name on the car registration certificate (unless you buy the car to a garage, see below). The problem is the following: some people don’t register the transfer when they buy a used car, they keep driving with the car registration certificate handed over to them by the seller, without paying due taxes (and avoiding tickets, that are sent to the previous owner). Then they might sell the car « as is » to an uninformed buyer. Once the mismatch is identified, it is impossible to proceed with the transfer because it is all illegal. The seller has to provide to the buyer a new car registration certificate at his name or take back his car. This situation leads to many problems that must be avoided at all costs
  • Request the “administrative situation certificate” (less than 2 weeks). This document states any encumbrance, financial or legal, related to the vehicle. For example, whether there is an ongoing loan, unpaid tickets, if the vehicle is stolen, salvage status, etc. This certificate must be clear, otherwise you won’t be able to proceed with the ownership transfer request
  • If you buy a car to a French dealer, it is normal that the “carte grise” holder is another person or legal entity. When a garage buys a used car, it doesn’t have to issue a new car registration certificate. Instead, he must declare the purchase through a special procedure. If you buy a car to a professional, you must get this document (declaration d’achat) in order to register the vehicle in France

Vehicle ownership transfer in France FAQ

ANTS requests from me to authenticate with France Connect: what is it?

France Connect is some kind of unified login. It is a bit similar to using your Facebook account to login to many other websites and services. The difference being that France Connect is an official service. Once you own an account with the few digital identity providers (like the tax office, etc.), you can use it through France Connect network of participants, such as the ANTS. As a foreigner, La Poste is your best bet to open a France Connect account. Such is required to perform most of the car registration requests with the ANTS. Included any online vehicle ownership transfer in France.

Can I transfer ownership of a vehicle online in France?

Yes, you can change ownership of a vehicle online ! Actually, online car ownership transfer is the most common way. With Eplaque, you can even do it in English.

How to change ownership of a car in France ?

The seller has to fill a « cession certificate » (Cerfa 15776) with the buyer. The seller must then declare the car owner change (« enregistrement de cession », we can hande such request). The buyer has to request the vehicle ownership transfer online, for example with us. A new car registration certificate will then be sent to the address of the owner.

How to tax a car after change of ownership in France ?

All taxes due are paid during the change of ownership. There is no yearly car tax in France.

How to change ownership of a car when someone dies ?

How to change ownership of a car after death ? You’ll need special documents from the notary, or authorization from every heir in order to transfer the ownership of a deceased car owner.

What is the ANTS?

It’s a public service that handles French car registration certificates, driving licenses and ID. About its car division, it’s more or less the equivalent of the British DVLA.

Can you change ownership of a vehicle online without v5 (« carte grise »)

As a general rule, no. However, if there are good reasons for this document to be missing, it’s possible. For example when the vehicle is very old. Still, you’ll have to provide evidence that you are the rightful owner to be granted a carte grise.

Can I transfer a registration number to another vehicle?

No, transferring a number plate to another vehicle is not possible in France.

Une question ?

Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais.

Les questions des utilisateurs

  • Stephen Charles

    25 mars 2025

    Hello, so I have just sold my car. All went well, all documents are correct. THEN I go online with the ANTS site to transfer ownership. NOTHING! The site does not show anything in progress, I have no confirmation it has registered anything. It just now blocks me - initially the secret code worked fine. I have various different messages back such as 'that owner is already registered' - what does that mean? Then zero replies or help and now blocked code and it says it is not valid anymore. So I have NO CODE to pass to the buyer who is anxious now, naturally. Can you advise? I then tried the 'FRANCE CONNECT' but that is offline for 4 days !!! Help.
    • Logo Eplaque


      26 mars 2025

      Should be a bug, they should assist. As a workaround, the buyer can request his registration certificate without the code via a private company like ours.
  • martin aldridge

    21 février 2025

    Hi I am buying a car in the south of France and want to have it registered at my house in France. I am not a resident for tax purposes but do own the house and have a bill for insurance and an attestation for when I bought the house last week. The car is currently on a carte gris collection and I will want it registered to me as a collection as well. Is this something you can deal with for me ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      24 février 2025

      Yes. To keep the "collection" status you might have to provide us with an "attestation de datation et de caractéristiques", in short if the car got the collection status before 2019.
  • Raf

    27 janvier 2025

    Bonjour. i need some help!!! I bought a car in one of the garage. but they scam me. they didn't sign the cerfa. i can not change the name of the carte grise
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 janvier 2025

      Without that document, or the "code de cession", you can't change ownership. If they don't give you the paperwork you have to initiate a legal action.
  • Michael Palmer

    31 décembre 2024

    I need to transfer ownership of a used vehicle registered in name to my wife how much would this cost in your fees and any axes and other charges. Also what documents would you require Thanks Mike
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 janvier 2025

      Registration taxes depend on many factor, such as the fiscal power of the car, the region of the future owner, the age... You can find out about the required paperwork under the title "Documents for a transfer of motor vehicle ownership in France"
  • Geraldine Cawthorne

    30 décembre 2024

    Bonjour Il faut que je change le nom du titulaire sur la carte grise -qui etait a mon partenaire civile, decede en 2020, a mon nom, car il me a laisse la voiture dans son testament, et en plus l'adresse, car on a vendu la maison a Orange. Pouvez-vous m'envoyer une liste de tous les documents necessaire pour en faire, surtout les details necessaires des documents notariels? je vous remercie d'avance pour votre temps et attention
  • Mayayr

    16 décembre 2024

    How can I change my scooter owner ship to another person
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 décembre 2024

      That's what's explained in details on this page. Feel free to ask us specific questions if required.
  • Martyn Lane

    24 novembre 2024

    I have a transfer code to receive a vehicle. I have an ANTS account but I get so far and it asks for identity verification and I cannot see how to do this
    • Logo Eplaque


      25 novembre 2024

      Usually they require a France Connect account to authenticate users. If you don't manage, we can handle your ownership transfer in a simple way.
  • Susan Wolbold

    27 octobre 2024

    My husband has passed away I am named as second driver on Carte Gris. Can I obta8n carte gris in my name?
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 octobre 2024

      If you were married under the universal community property regime, you can do so, yes, even if there are heirs such as children. You'll have to provide a proof of the marriage.
  • Mme Margaret Bloice

    22 août 2024

    I sold my car on the 30th of May this year and we completed the certificate de cession on that date. I handed over the crossed out carte grise , the following day, I tried to register the sale via ANTS but after following the procedure online, ANTS would not allow me to complete the process. I assumed that the buyer had already registered the car online, and thought no more about it. Today I received online a parking fine in my name for the Peugeot. I emailed the buyer, and he apologised, however, I am now concerned as to what happens next. The buyer wants to pay the fine, but I would rather he did not. Can you advise me on what can be done to alleviate the situation.
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 août 2024

      First thing is to make sure that he changed indeed the ownership, you can ask them, or better the police or ANTS to make sure. If not, try again to register the transfer. Second thing to do is asking the seller to provide you with a copy of their driving license to report them as the real culprit. They will then cancel your ticket and issue a new one to them.
  • Jack Gleason

    5 août 2024

    What are the procedures for transferring ownership of a vintage car that will be exported to the U.S.? I need to explain to the seller what he must do. I am in the U.S. and wish to purchase a vintage car that is currently located in France.
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 août 2024

      Nothing special, the seller has to fill in a standard "certificat de cession" (official form Cerfa 15776*02) with you, the buyer abroad. Then he has to register the ownership transfer online.
  • Michelle Roberts

    21 juillet 2024

    How much do you charge to transfer a car to a new owner?
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 juillet 2024

      To declare the ownership transfer from the seller side, our fee is EUR 19.9. To transfer the car to the new owner (buyer side), it's EUR 29.9.
  • DJ O'Donovan

    1 juillet 2024

    Hello, I am looking at buying a damaged French reg vehicle here in Ireland. It has very little damage that I should be able to repair myself. It is not being sold by the original owner but is supplied with the Cart Gris and a Declaration D Achat Dun Vehicule D Occasion ( from the insurance company) and being less than 4 years has not been required to have a CT. Will it be possible to arrange a change of ownership on this vehicle to me at my French address? Thanks DJ
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 juillet 2024

      You have to be very careful. It's the "certificat de situation administrative", an official document that lists all the "issues" with a car (lien, unpaid fines, dangerous vehicle...), that will determine if you can register the car. We strongly suspect that this car has been classified as "véhicule économiquement irréparable" (VEI). This means that the cost of repair was higher than the market value, therefore the insurance has decided to total the car. It doesn't mean that the car is dangerous, actually in some cases the owner gets to keep the car. It can be simple knocks on the body due to hail, really silly stuffs. However, such car can never be sold. This would explain why the car ended up being abroad.
  • Mr Howard Newton

    30 juin 2024

    How do I cease the french registration of a car I own so that it can be re-registered in the uk. At what time will the vehicle be unavailable for driving, as I wish my daughter to drive the car back to uk to have MOT and uk registration completed. I would be happy to use your services to assist me with this transfer. There is no money involved with the transfer as this is a family gift.
    • Logo Eplaque


      1 juillet 2024

      Yu have to fill a "certificat de cession" (click on on the link for the PDF), a sort of ownership transfer form. Then you have to register it online, we can do that for you. This is how to "cancel" a registration in France, once they see that the new owner is abroad, they cancel it.
  • Steel, Malcolm

    18 mai 2024

    I have sold my car, completed the cerfa 15776, tried countless times on ANTS website, to register but get stopped at the end of request new code, when I fill all details in it tells me I am interrupted as I am not registered owner, which I am and have been since buying new in 2010! I need help as buyer is now getting rather angry
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mai 2024

      It's hard to say, it might be that the transfer is already completed, or there is a bug... We don't have access to their system, so you should clarify with their support.
  • Stephen Gloggner

    17 mai 2024

    Hello , I purchased a car in France but have not completed the Carte Gris transfer. I need help, can you confirm the cost and how to start the process with you? Thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mai 2024

      Our fee is EUR 29.9 + taxes that we collect for the tax authorities (they depend on car power, your region...). If you want to do it in English, simply email us at, or click "Commander" on this page to order in French:
  • JCH

    5 mai 2024

    I hold a Titre de Séjour in France and I am the registered owner of two cars. Is it possible for my wife to be registered jointly? Alternatively, how do I transfer ownership to her ( for example in the case of mental incapacity on my part) so that she could sell them?
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 mai 2024

      Yes, she can be added as "cotitulaire", but this won't allow her to sell the car without your signature (or your guardian's), both are required. If your wife has a proof of address in France, she can become the "owner" (titulaire) if she has a driving license. The required steps to do so are detailed on this page.
  • Max

    20 avril 2024

    I moved for some years overseas and i have stored my motorbike. I returned to Europe and i have established my residence in Portugal, i have changed my plaque on the motorbike and put a Portuguese one. The Motorbike used to have a French plaque on, how i can cancel the French Immatriculation and the Card Gris ? Thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 avril 2024

      To cancel the registration, you must submit the ownership transfer (from yourself with your previous French address to yourself in Portugal) as explained here. It might have been done already if Portugal informed France about registration. About the number plate, just make it unusable and throw it away.
  • Nick Abrey

    15 avril 2024

    I have just bought a used French registered car from a dealer in England. I have Certificate d'immatricultion with current CT sticker which expires 12/07/2024. We own a house in S France but live mainly in England. We want to drive to France and leave the car there - Can you arrange ownership changes and confirm any other paperwork required? Kind regards
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 avril 2024

      Please contact us (01 84 80 28 27 or, because if the registration has been cancelled for export and there is no UK registration, it might be tricky to register it.
    • Nick Abrey

      16 avril 2024

      Tried the contact phone number - no response ? will try email now.
      • Logo Eplaque


        17 avril 2024

        Might have been a busy time; email will work.
  • Martyn Bagnall

    12 avril 2024

    Referring to the comment below. It was not the code generated by the seller which was refused. It was our code fiscal which France connect said was not suitable for this transaction
    • Logo Eplaque


      15 avril 2024

      We are not familiar with France Connect requirements since we don't use it to offer our services. We might be able to process your request, please email or call us: 01 84 80 28 27 /
  • Martyn Bagnall

    12 avril 2024

    I am trying to transfer a Vespa into my name. I have the transfer code via ANTS from the seller but when I try to enter this through France connect I am being told the code is not valid. It is not a problem getting into the site as I can see my tax d’habitation etc. The professional I have tried won’t accept an English driving license. I have emailed France Connect about the matter but have had no response. I am a second home owner in France
  • Richard Hall

    16 mars 2024

    My son owns a house in France. Can I buy a car registered in my name to keep at this house?
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 mars 2024

      A proof of accommodation can be used as an alternative to the proof of address. But we are not sure whether it is possible to produce such a document in case of a second residence, sorry.
  • Keith wylde

    30 janvier 2024

    Can you act for the buyer and seller, and if so what would be the cost
    • Logo Eplaque


      31 janvier 2024

      Sure. From the seller side (ownership transfer declaration), our fee is EUR 19.9. From the buyer side, our fee is EUR 29.9 + car registration taxes, that we collect on behalf of the authorities.
  • Angie Simpson

    25 janvier 2024

    I want to transfer the registration (ownership) of my french registered car to a friend living in France. Can you tell me how much you would charge to register the déclaration de cession on my behalf with the ANTS, so i can provide the new owner with the transfer code (code de cession). Would I just need to telephone you to start the process?. Many thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      25 janvier 2024

      We charge EUR 19,9 for this service. But please bear in mind that no transfer code will be issued, we don't have the ability to generate it. Which means that the buyer will have to use a private agent like us for the ownership transfer.
  • LUCAS Trevor

    23 janvier 2024

    Je voudrais transferer ma voiture en Pologne a ma maison secondaire mais je voudrais rester propretaire. Quel document dois je remplir en France pour enlever la voiture du systeme francais?
    • Logo Eplaque


      24 janvier 2024

      Vous devez remplir un certificat de cession. Votre adresse en France apparaîtra dans le cadre ancien propriétaire, celle en Pologne dans le cadre nouveau propriétaire. Il faut ensuite enregistrer la cession en ligne, cela notifiera les autorités françaises que le véhicule a été exporté.
  • Julia Crane

    20 janvier 2024

    I have been offered a french car but the car is in the UK and is currently sitting on a driveway uninsured. Would I need to get the French owner to insure the car and if that can be done would they also need to get it MOTd and can this be done at a UK garage given that it is in the UK?
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 janvier 2024

      Are you living in the UK? If that's the case, we are not familiar with the procedures in the UK, we know the other way round (we are based in France).
    • Rain

      10 mars 2024

      Good day, what will happened if i failed to change ownership of my motorcycle within 30 days? is there a fine? if yes, how much?
      • Logo Eplaque


        11 mars 2024

        There won't be a fine, unless you get stopped at a police check. Better to change ASAP to avoid this, cause they could seize the motorcycle until you have the registration certificate.
  • Tit Kukovec

    7 janvier 2024

    Hello...i am buying used motorhome in France from professional dealer in Bordeaux..Can I drove to Slovenia with crossed out registration certificate(carte grisse), french plates which are already on car and temporary international car insurance to my home-Slovenia? Thanks for help best regards, Tit
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 janvier 2024

      This is tricky, as the validity of the crossed carte grise is subject to the approval of each country. We don't know the local situation in each of them. We heard people had trouble in Austria, for example. Although it might be some kind of lottery, depending on which agents end up on your case.
  • David Crawford

    6 janvier 2024

    The Carte Gris on my car is in joint names, those of my ex wife and I. We are now divorced and I wish to sell the car. What is required in the matter of signatures please. Many thanks David
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 janvier 2024

      You need both. If she doesn't want to collaborate and the divorce ruling says the car is yours, you should change the title to your sole name first.
  • Jann

    4 janvier 2024

    Hello Thank you for all the information that have been given at your page. But I haven't seen an information about the payment process. At which state you get your payment from the buyer? How can seller and buyer have mutual trust? Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 janvier 2024

      It can be cash, by certified cheque or bank transfer. In each case there should be minimal trust, the only way to be sure 100% is to use an escrow service.
  • Dennis

    21 décembre 2023

    If a car title is in the names of two owners as "or" can one sell the car without the other's signature?
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 décembre 2023

      In the past, one signature was enough. However, since this mention "or" is not allowed anymore, both signatures will be required.
  • Norton

    16 décembre 2023

    How do I add my wife’s name to our Carte Gris? The cost involved? Merci
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 décembre 2023

      You have to add a co-owner, we can assist you in doing it by email. Unfortunately this is considered as an ownership transfer cost-wise, therefore you'll have to pay the same amount you pay to transfer ownership for such vehicle (cost depends on fiscal power and your region).
  • Jepox

    13 décembre 2023

    Hi how to notify car ownership transfer, what documents to send and to where to send? ( post address or online sites ) as i donate my old car to a friend. thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 décembre 2023

      That's exactly what is explained on this page :) We remain at your disposal if you have any question.
  • William Longyard

    6 décembre 2023

    What papers do I need to buy a car in France with the intention of registering it in another country?
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 décembre 2023

      The same as if you would register it locally : carte grise, certificat de cession, certificat de situation administrative, contrôle technique (MOT), and if possible the certificate of conformity so that you don't have to buy it later.
  • Gianluca

    20 septembre 2023

    Hello i buy a auto in france and i want to take the auto in my name i have the old papers from the seller that i buy with him signature but i dont know how to proceed to take out the papers in my name. Im waiting for a contact thank you!
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 septembre 2023

      Everything is explained on this page, please have a look. If you have further questions we remain at your disposal : 01 84 80 28 27 or
  • Kevin Russell

    18 septembre 2023

    I want to change ownership of a french car which has the old format registration number it will change. I also want to order new number plates at the same time but the online tool is showing how my number plate will look with the old registration number...which I will not need and don't know the new registration as it has not been allocated yet. Please advise. Kind regards Kevin
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 septembre 2023

      I could replicate the issue. I think that you would get the plates with the new registration number (that we cannot know, indeed), but I have contacted our technical team about it. I'll update this message once I know more.
  • Sara

    15 septembre 2023

    Hello! I bought a used car from Mercedes, and only have a digital version of the old carte grise (from 2022). Here, it says I need "The original carte grise crossed out, dated and signed by the previous owner". How can I do this when I only have a digital version?
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 septembre 2023

      In principe yes, you need the physical carte grise, for 2 reasons: 1. Because it has the "coupon detachable", that piece of paper mentioning the name of the new owner, that must be kept in order to drive the car until the new carte grise is issued 2. To go in the paperwork required for the ownership transfer if you deal with a physical company specialized in registration However, if you submit electronically the ownership transfer request, it's not required.
    • Sara

      18 septembre 2023

      Thank you for the reply! I intend to use your, eplaque´s, service. Just to be sure, so I need it then?
      • Logo Eplaque


        19 septembre 2023

        Yes, because legally we have to follow the rules.
  • Abigail Summer

    8 août 2023

    I have agreed to buy a car from the heirs of a person who sadly died more than three months ago. The heirs live in the UK and no-one has driven the car on a public road. The car has a valid CT, more than six months old. The heirs do not want to change the ownership to them or drive the car, but I believe the car must have a CT less then six months. I have agreed to insure the car in my name before the transfer of ownership to get a new CT. Is this the right thing to do? Otherwise how can a new CT be obtained without actually driving the car?
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 août 2023

      The law says that the car cannot be used, which is not really specific in terms of usage. My understanding is that the vehicle cannot be used for personal purposes. If you just drive the car to get the MOT, it remains in the spirit of the law as you perform a task to facilitate the transaction. Otherwise, to follow it to the letter the car would have to be towed.
    • Abigail Summer

      26 août 2023

      Thank you. That is exactly what I did and all seems to be good.
  • Dorey-Adams

    5 août 2023

    Can a co titulaire sell a second hand vehicle without the heirs consent and what documentation is requred
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 août 2023

      No, the ownership transfer won't be allowed without their written consent.
  • Kerry Clarke

    3 août 2023

    Hi There, I have purchased a car from a friend who had to leave France for Australia. The car has run out of CT and the carte gris is in the previous owners name. It is clear that my friend did not change the carte gris into his name. What is the best way for me to change official ownership to myself? Should I get a CT done first? At least if I get contra visite I can change ownership with the previous owner no? I will appreciate any help.. Kerry
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 août 2023

      Unfortunately you won't be able to change ownership if the carte grise holder's name doesn't match with the seller's name. Either you need a "certificat de cession" signed by the previous owner (and that would only work if he didn't register the sale on your friend's name at the time), or you friend must get a new carte grise on his name and hand it over to you.
  • shlomo Taasan

    7 juillet 2023

    How to add my partner (spouse) as an owner of my car
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 juillet 2023

      There is a procedure called "ajout de cotitulaire sur la carte grise" to add a co-owner. We can do it for you in English, email us if you are interested.
  • Jerrin

    22 février 2023

    Hi, I had a motor bike, and sold, but the buyer has not yet changed the paper. There I received the speed fine to my address. What should I do?
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 février 2023

      Did you notify your vehicle ownership transfer? It seems that you didn't, therefore it has to be done ASAP. Meanwhile, you can dispute the fine by denouncing him.
  • Stephen Broadbent

    19 février 2023

    I am buying a car from a friend in France and I am going to use your service, (thank heaven it's available 😊 What paperwork do I need to fill in and what other paperwork will you need from me and the seller. Also is it just a matter of scanning whatever is needed and the emailed to you or is it by post. I am in department 16. Regards Steve
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 février 2023

      Thanks for your trust. Required paperwork is listed on this page under the title: "Documents for a transfer of motor vehicle ownership in France". You can scan them or send them by post, it's up to you.
  • Mike Delves

    5 février 2023

    Hi, My friend is giving me a French registered car, no money involved, do I need to complete Cerfa 13750*07 for this? Thanks Mike
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 février 2023

      Yes, this form must always be filled since it is meant to inform authorities about ownership transfer (whether the car is sold, given for free, scrapped...).
  • Peter

    17 janvier 2023

    Good morning, Joachim I was in touch before with you. My car, on French plates, broke down after I moved back to England and I had to get it scrapped in England at an official UK Government approved site. I wrote to ANTS in November 2022 but had no reply? After research and contacting you I am trying to register the destruction online with ANTS but find there are certain sections I cannot complete as they assume scrapping took place in France and make no allowance I can see for scrapping in another country? If I need to complete the Form 15776 how do I send it to them and also how do I send ANTS the crossed-through Certificat d'Immatriculation and which address? I have 33 Avenue du Maine, 75015 Paris? I am really stuck and wondered if you can help or guide me? Also, I cannot find an email contact for ANTS so I can advise them of the situation? Very grateful if you can assist me in any way? Sincerely Peter
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 janvier 2023

      You cannot just send the document. You have to do a "declaration de cession", which is about ownership transfer (scrapping falls into that, the new "owner" being the scrapping company). If you struggle with the ANTS, you can use our service to do it. We can even assist in English, mail us at and we will sort it out for you.
  • Yasen

    16 janvier 2023

    Hello, I would like to buy a caravan from France and export it in EU. Where I can get an insurance for the travel.
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 janvier 2023

      You can ask a quote to any French insurance company.
  • craig

    5 janvier 2023

    Hello im an australian with German residencie i am selling my German registered car to a French person in France, how do i go about the transfer/sales process,
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 janvier 2023

      You have to follow the rules in Germany. The buyer will probably ask you to fill a "certificat de cession" to facilitate the registration process in France, or at least an invoice.
  • Sarah Jarvis

    16 décembre 2022

    I own a 2001 Renault Laguna Estate purchased in France when I was there in 2008. it has been in storage in Merano, Italy since 2012 and only used once there in 2015 as i tried to sell it . I am a resident of New Zealand and now have no address in any EU country. Can I cancel the French registration and register the car in Italy even on a temporary basis with their "EE" Plates so it can be used or sold. I can get the 'Revision ' done in Italy but driving it to France to do this seems a mission.
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 décembre 2022

      Yes you can proceed like this.
  • stefan

    14 décembre 2022

    i would like to inport a car from germany. do you do transit plates as well?
    • Logo Eplaque


      15 décembre 2022

      We deal with WW plates, but bear in mind that those cannot be used to drive the car from Germany to France, you can only use them once the car has crossed the border (and then you can go back to Germany with them; as absurd as it sounds, it's the rule. Some people do get French WW and use them from Germany, still it's not legal). To that end you need German temporary plates.
  • Lynn

    22 novembre 2022

    I bought a used car from a garage it was almost 8 weeks and still no carte gris. I have emailed several times and they say the system is slow. Is this correct, can I. Intact ants direct to see where the carte gris is? Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 novembre 2022

      If it is an imported car, it is probably true, it takes time. If the car was already registered in France, it's not normal. Best is to inquire with the ANTS, to check if a request exists and what is going on.
  • Mary

    9 novembre 2022

    My former partner and myself are registered on the carte gris as joint owners of a vehicle which he still drives. We are separated and I now live in the UK. We agree that my name should be removed from the carte gris. How do we do this and Which forms do I need to sign?
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 novembre 2022

      It depends, who is the "main owner" (titulaire) on the certificate?
  • Julie Ryves

    31 octobre 2022

    Hi iam being gifted a motor home that is in France and registered there. What documents do I need to sign and check so I know the vehicle will belong to me when it's arrived in England.
    • Logo Eplaque


      1 novembre 2022

      You have to fill a "certificat de cession" (Cerfa 15776) with the giver, get the registration certificate of the motor home (crossed, signed and dated by the previous owner) and the "certificat de situation administrative".
  • Lulio

    4 octobre 2022

    My mom, a resident in France wants to give her car to me, but I don't have a residency in France. Is it still possible?
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 octobre 2022

      She can give it to you, but you'll have to register it in your home country; you need a French proof of address to register a car in France.
  • Keith

    26 août 2022

    My friends are trying to give me their car because they're going back to the UK and don't need it. They don't have a France Connect account, so I've helped them begin the ANTS process - they now have an account at ANTS and we've started filling in the online form. Now the website is asking for the confidential code, which they don't have, and I have clicked the link for 'Demander un nouveau code'. It's supposed to be sent by email within 24 hours, but that was 2 days ago and it hasn't arrived. They are leaving in a week's time. Is the ANTS service reliable and will we get the code in time? If not, what should we do?
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 août 2022

      Emails should be instant. Have they checked in their spam folder? Unfortunately there are "hiccups". That's why private services like our exist. If you don't manage with them, we can handle the transfer.
  • Ann Justice

    8 juillet 2022

    Jusqu'à maintenant ma voiture a fait l'objet d'un contrat de location mais nous avons maintenant effectué le paiement final afin qu'elle soit la propriété de mon mari. L’entreprise de la finance m'a informé qu'ils enverront le certificat de cession dans environ trois semaines afin que nous puissions changer la carte grise. Nous serons à l'étranger lorsque le certificat arrivera et nous reviendrons le 17 août. Pourrons-nous encore conduire la voiture d'ici là et serons-nous toujours assurés pour le faire ? Merci beaucoup pour vos conseils.
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 juillet 2022

      Until the ownership transfer is official, the car remains the property of the leasing company, with you as "user". From that perspective, all is good. Of course, the vehicle must be insured. We assume it will be until the ownership transfer is official, however we advise you to double check with the leasing company.

    30 juin 2022

    I wish to change the name on the carte grise from mine to that of my wife.
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 juin 2022

      You have to fill with your wife a Cerfa 15776 form, declare online the "cession", then change the owner on the carte grise (changement de titulaire).

    11 mai 2022

    Je n'ai pas encore de document français mais j'ai un passeport nigérian, j'achète une voiture en France s'il vous plaît puis-je changer de propriétaire à mon nom ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      12 mai 2022

      Oui, un passeport étranger est un justificatif d'identité valable.
  • Christine Winter

    12 avril 2022

    can the paperwork be sent and where to I am unabler to do on line
    • Logo Eplaque


      12 avril 2022

      Yes of course, the address is Eplaque - 34, rue de la forêt - 91860 Epinay-Sous-Sénart.
  • John gorman

    19 mars 2022

    Due to a mix up my vehicle ended up being registered in my brothers name, I have a bill of sale in my name he has since gone to the Middle East (uncontactable) can I get it reregistered in my name???
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mars 2022

      No, his signature on a "certificat de cession" is needed in order to transfer ownership.
  • Rhona Gray

    15 mars 2022

    We believe we transferred ownership online but never received a new registration document. Can you check whether the change of ownership did actually happen?
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 mars 2022

      You should check the status of the request in your ANTS account or contact them. Alternatively, you can try to request a "certificat de situation adminitrative" based on the old carte grise here. If you can get the document, it means that the change of ownership is not registered.
  • Paul langley

    12 mars 2022

    Can I put my wife on the carte gris or give her my car free and what will the costs be
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 mars 2022

      Yes. In each case you'll have to pay the full transfer costs, that depends on the administrative power of the car (chevaux fiscaux, you can check it out in P.6 on the carte grise) and the region where you live. It's from 30 to 50 EUR per CV + flat fee of EUR 13.76.

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